I'm so excited about this. Nothing like it has ever happened to me before. I take back all the times I said I was unlucky for never winning anything ever, not even a candy, on any contest.
It all started on Facebook. Doctor Who is on Brazilian TV on a channel called TV Cultura, a free to air network that belongs to the government and by far the best channel we have on open TV. They have a FB page solely devoted to Doctor Who in which they make special announcements and such. A couple of weeks ago they announced a Doctor Who Cosplay Contest in which people had to send in a photo of them with some info to be signed up for selection. I sent my photo of Kissogram Amy (I posted around last Halloween) and in short, I was called in to participate on a special exclusive Doctor Who event at the network. SO AMAZING!!! NO WORDS!
There were about 15 people there, all in their respective cosplays. Several Doctors (Tens and Elevens), three Amys (two kissograms and one from the Wedding of River Song), a River Song (from The Impossible Astronaut), an Ood and a Dalek. There were also some people accompanying them, parents and boyfriends. We ate a little, but in that excitement all I managed was to drink a lot of water. We took loads of pics, chatted a lot, shared stories, made some vids and recorded testimonials for the channel's website which still aren't available.
The TARDIS was quite popular and we have a whole lot of fun with it. I met so many wonderful people. There were fans of all ages. There were kids, teenagers, parents, people in their thirties, twenties, fourties… there was a father dressed up as Eleven with his daughter dressed up as Ten, really, coolest dad ever!
The woman that was organizing the event was really nice. Everything was very well organized. Some of us were picked up at the bus/subway/train station by a van and taken to the network which was really near. In there we were in candyland. After the event and after everyone had filmed their testimonials, only the five of us that had to be taken by the van back to the station remained and the woman took us on a tour around the place. INCREDIBLE!
We visited some sets (most of them were closed for the weekend) and were sent back to our childhood, watching their epic programs that every single happy child on the country watched growing up. Of course, I'm from a slightly (very slight, lol) different generation that the others that were with me and felt a little bit old because most of those programs were a little bit after my time, but I certainly remember them, even though I didn't feel as nostalgic as them for some of those sets.
I'm the second person from the right, right next to the girl dressed as Ten. For this pic, the guy dressed up as an Ood changed his mask for the one of a Silence that was taken by the girl's father. He is an artist and made the mask of the Silence and Matt that another girl is wearing.
Some of us chatting while someone recorded their testimonial.
The set visit. These puppets filled our childhood with happiness. Unfortunately, we couldn't remove them from the plastic wrapping.
Look it's Julio!
I get the song of that show stuck in my head every time I look at these photos.
I'm way too old to have watched this one.
Notice how some of these sets stand far from the ground. That space is where the puppeteers stand.
Watching it on TV is never going to be the same again.
There were people working on redressing this set.
This channel also has the best interview and news programs in the country but this was the only set open that wasn't in the children section. It's really beautiful. Really so white you couldn't believe. Also, intimidating to be the interviewee and be sitting in that chair at the center. It's really big. The pic doesn't do it justice.
I borrowed someone's screwdriver.
The three Amys.
There will be some more pics posted on FB. There is also some pics
here. This blog will also post vids as soon as the blogger finishes editing them. I'll post links when they are available, but they will all be in Portuguese…