You know you are starting to become obsessed with something when you start dreaming about it. My dream tonight (after watching Arrow's latest episode 'Betrayal' and the preview for next week's 'Odyssey') featured Fyers in Starling City kidnapping Oliver, Diggle and Felicity and tossing them back on the island after a trap he set to attract The Hood using Queen mom. There was whump (of course), some torture while en route via military cargo plane until they were tossed out with a pack of parachutes. Now, I need to see this. Anyone wants to write it?
Hawaii Five-0 - Wow, what a thrilling episode 'Hookman' was! I never watched any episode of the old series to compare, but I did get a sense of nostalgia all the way through. Alex O'Loughlin did a brilliant job showing the nuances of Steve's emotinal state throughout the episode, almost on the verge of becoming a loose cannon. We also had Danny banter, sniper Kono, a freakish creepy villain (really, he gave me goosebumps!), non-stop action and an emotianl resolution that brought tears to my eyes (damn you shows for doing emotional scenes when I'm on PMS!). One of the best episodes so far and I've already seen it three times! O.O
Supernatural - Good, fun episode. Amazing how they are able to still bring in new monsters even in season 8. A Golen seems like a very useful thing to have around. Though it's really good the boys didn't get one at the end because it would affect the weekly whump, lol. Also, Nazis. They are always very straight forward kind of villains. Nobody ever questions heroes that shoot Nazis. I was not particularly happy with the boys finding super-mega-library-of-all-things-supernatural, but I guess Bobby already did fill in that position before he bit the dust, so I guess it's kind of okay.
Arrow - Saving the best for last! Holy evil cliffhanger of doom! If Oliver didn't already have daddy issues, now they go and give him mommy issues as well! But let's go back a bit and actually talk about the episode. The cliche, moustache-twirling, two dimentional villain that served his purpose of being baddie of the week could have been better but got things moving in several fronts and brought us on some of the issues of 'Betrayal'. One being Laurel and her father and two, Laurel and Tommy.
Laurel and Tommy got resolved rather easily and quickly, but I don't really mind that since I kinda like that pairing. Laurel and daddy was NOT resolved and leaves room for more stories in the future which should be fun to watch. Really, Quentin, how did you think your daughter would react? I really liked seeing Laurel kicking ass but being kidnapped to attract the hero is reeeeaaaaaally cliche *rolls eyes*! But it did give us the most unlikely alliance ever and the scene when Quentin shows up and saves Oliver makes up for it. And it was really awesome when Oliver shot Lance's gun and told him who was the vigilante and who was the cop. I really like when Lance looks almost surprised by the things the Hood does. I also liked that it kind of ended the relationship between Arrow and Laurel for the time being because this thing of the female character having a 'thing' for the hero is not only old but also, again, cliche. So happy.
The island bits are starting to become a bit meh, but it's nice to see glimpses of the fighter inside island!Oliver cause I seriously hate whimp!Oliver. And I want more whump dammit!
Speaking of whump, next week promises a good one as a result of the last conflict of this episode. Mamma Queen was being shaddy again but this time she was caught on tape by a very practical and objective Diggle. Poor Oliver. Though at this point, with the information they have so far, it's very easy for them to think things are way worse than they actually are. They don't know Malcolm Merlym's involvement and how he's forcing her hand by repeatedly killing/kidnapping her husbands. Oh, Oliver. He seems really broken-hearted by the discovery. God knows what [spoiler and speculation for next week's episode]being shot by his own mother will do to him.
Next week can't come fast enough. We got a preview for the next episode and a preview for the rest of the season and I've already seen them half a dozen times.