(no subject)

Jul 26, 2011 19:37

So, I'm here sitting around the teacher's room with re_nan (If you still haven't added him, do it NOW, he is a BIG SGA fan and he's starting to read fanfics) and we are VERY bored. LJ is acting up for him in the computer he is using. Meanwhile, I'm downloading the Torchwood pannel from Comic Con 2011 in the pc he is using, because d/l is faster in a network pc than in a wireless one which makes matters worse. And I just found the Supernatural pannel for d/l as well.

re_nan is loving SGA. He is the first person I totally converted to the fandom. *proud* He is a bit upset about what was done with Elizabeth Weir. He's watched up to Spoils of War. I also got him into Livejournal (and CityVille in FB).

My current obsession is Torchwood. I have rewatched all of season 2 and I'm in the proccess of rewatching Children of Earth. I still cry every time I watch Exit Wounds and probably will cry my eyes out with Children of Earth. Again. I'm trying to convince re_nan to watch Torchwood too. As well as Doctor Who. And SG1. Oh, and OMG can you believe HE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT STAR TREK WAS!?!?!?! I told him I wouldn't be his friend anymore for as long as it takes for him to correct this BLASPHEMY!

At work we are currently organizing the magazine we are in the proccess of making, having each Advanced student (and volunteers of lower levels) written an article, which I ALONE had to correct and format. I also make the cover and IT'S BRILLIANT. I'll see if I can make an online version available when it is done. I'll have to talk with my coordinator.

My new home is doing well. I can wash, clean or leave it dirty as I please (at the moment it is closer to dirty than anything else, lol).

I guess nothing really surprising has happened to me. Actually the biggest shock I had was the fact that my dad (who is 63 years old) has made a Facebook account and is keeping up with the rest of us. Of course, he used to be a systems analyst in his days.

I guess I have taken enough of my time. At least I was able to make re_nan update his LJ...

teacher, torchwood, me, sga

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