It's been a week since my phone was taken =(. But I managed to find a great replacement, way better than my old one and with a GREAT plan. I'm almost glad my phone was stolen. I'm obsessed with it already. It can read PDFs so it means I can read! I've got a WHOLE CD with Star Wars books (literally hundreds of them) just waiting to be read. It also can play vids, which means I can watch full eps. All of which means less Sunday boredom when I go to my mom's.
Since I'm in the subject of boredom, I'd like to rec a fic. I don't usually go for crossovers, but since it was small, I decided to give it a try. It's AMAZING! It's Doctor Who/Stargate (SG1 and SGA) and it's brilliant. It's a collection of moments on how each character would react to seeing the TARDIS. It's fun to try to guess who it is before it's revealed. They're all spot on, including John's.
Bigger on the Inside by
My goodness I'm starving. *goes hunting for food*