I finally saw the new episode.
I knew that was going to happen. I just knew it. Whenever I like a character more they end up being killed. I hated the end and I hated the fact that she forgot it. Evil. Evil. Evil. I'll never like anyone else anymore. *cries*
Also, now the part when all the bad guys say "The Doctor in the TARDIS" makes sense. The TARDIS will go boom??? Noooooo!!! So the explosion that causes the crack is the TARDIS and that's why the Doctor risks crossing his own timeline to fix it and why he told Amy to remember something he said to her.
I hate how spoilery this season is turning out to be. *iz a spoilerphobe* I think I liked it better when the hints were subtle and I missed them completely. I don't like knowing things.
Still, I love Matt Smith and the Eleventh Doctor. He's still a favorite of mine. I loved the whump and the emo whump and angst. I love the way he does his emotional scenes and how he is able to show how hard he's resisting instead of just breaking down like Ten did.