MSN = sandpaper-kisses@hotmail.com
AIM = to the hotel
NOTE: I DON'T IM PEOPLE UNLESS THEY IM ME FIRST, AS A GENERAL RULE. Why? I'm afraid of bothering people. So if you want to talk to me, you're gonna have to IM me first. It's not because I hate you, gosh. Also, I leave myself logged into MSN or AIM even if I'm away from the computer, so if you have something really important to say and I don't reply, try calling me if you have my number.
mezcase [rarely used]
senseless_ [rarely used]
Main = antiabacus [Friends Only, ask to be added.]
http://www.myspace.com/krankenhaus_ [Friends Only, ask to be added.]
Main = to the hotel
Hotmail = sandpaper-kisses@hotmail.com
Mez-Pez [rarely used]
Friend Code =
Friend Code =
Friend Code = 3909 9089 3681
Trainer Name = Mezzo
Ask and you shall receive~
ALSO, for my own reference~
I'm Kojiro [James] in the deviantART Cartoon Obsessions Crew. [END]
[This is an old LJ, by the by.]