When I first heard about this, I figured it was a helluva good idea:
Red Envelope Day. What else could this be about other than the torrents of red ink that're pouring out of Washington, threatening to totally undo the entire financial structure of the US of A and saddling generations to come with a load of debt that they'll be paying off for the rest of this century if not well into the one that comes next on 2101.
Well, it wasn't that at all.
Tomorrow, send a red envelope to Barack Obama.
On the outside of the envelope, write: "This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception."
Next week, the White House is expected to receive hundreds of thousands of empty red envelopes, symbolizing the moral outrage of abortion. Maybe it will receive millions.
Can you imagine the impact?
With all the shit that's been coming down, this is what put a burr under Farah's saddle. This is utterly ridiculous.
"I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died before having a chance to live," said Christ Otto, the grassroots organizer who came up with the idea.
Let us not forget that what these dipshits call "abortion" is what the rest of us call "birth control". The vast majority of those 50 X 106 "children" have been zygotes no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. Pregnancy begins, not at conception, but at implantation. If you prevent that, then you were never pregnant, and an "abortion" did not occur. 60% of zygotes fail to implant, and that's when the "mother" didn't do a damn thing to prevent it.
A ZEF is not a "child", except in the imagination of a Fundievangelical™ whacko. Up until the early 1980s, these Fundies™ didn't give a shit about abortion. After all, the Bible, which they so idolize, is completely silent on the issue. Let's not forget that during "New Testament" times they knew perfectly well how to stop sprogs. There was once an extinct plant that grew in what's today Libya. Even though Roman horticulturists did their best, they failed to domesticate this plant. So why did it go extinct? The demand for its BC / abortifacient properties made demand too great for the supply. They knew about it, but the authors of the Bible didn't see fit to address this issue at all.
Let us also not forget why they got involved at all. It was fear of the political influence of the Roman Catholic Church. Can't allow the "Red Whore of Babylon" steal all the political thunder, doanchanow? Fundievangelicals™ have never trusted or liked Catholics, and have always believed them to be too politically "connected". They certainly didn't do it for the "children".
This country is dangerously close to a financial catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen. If the lights go out, the local supermarket shelves empty, no gas in the tank, your ATMs no longer spit out cash, your credit card no longer honoured, and the trucks that bring you the necessities of life stop rolling, ZEFs are going to be one of the last things on your mind.
Get your priorities straight you dumbasses! We need to fix what's broke and do it damn quick; we don't have the luxury of wasting time and effort on bullshit.