I used to think this guy was OK:
Kudos Candace!. For a good many years, he was and I frequently agreed with him. Unfortunately, Chuck Baldwin has been losing it ever since Trump rode that escalator into history in '15. His TDS has gotten worse, even after Trump lost the '20 (s)election. Now, he's becoming quite the antisemite as well.
I must confess that I am only vaguely familiar with Candace Owens’ podcasts. I have never watched a single program. But I understand that she is a very outspoken conservative who has a very large following. I assume that she is strongly pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-surveillance state and anti-perpetual foreign wars. But if I’m assuming incorrectly, I’m sure readers will set me straight. I’ve also heard that Candace is pro-Trump; but I don’t know if she is a Trump toady. I hope not.
This election, your choices were Donald Trump or Cackles. As for Owens, she called Trump out over his vax shilling, his insistence that the shit-shots were safe and effective even after the facts said otherwise. These past four years, Baldwin's columns look like they could have been written by, first the Biden campaign, and secondly by the Harris campaign after Biden was kicked to the curb. If the DNC wasn't paying him, they should have.
Yes, we have known for damn near ten years that The Donald falls far short of the Fundievangelical standards of rectitude. We weren't electing a National Pastor, or voting to bestow sainthood on Trump. we were electing a chief executive, in '16 and now.
Then I discovered that she had recently separated herself from uber-Zionist Ben Shapiro’s media network over the Israel issue.
Kudos Candace!
Anyone who would partner or align themselves with Ben Shapiro would be partnering or aligning themselves with an open blasphemer and antichrist.
I have ESSSSS-loads of problems with Little Ben. He's not what you'd call a deep thinker, and he was a vax shill until it was no longer convenient. He pulled the same shit that Sean Hannity did: he denied his vax shilling, despite all the video evidence to the contrary.
Shapiro denies Christ’s deity, denies He was even a Prophet, accuses Him of being a criminal who “got killed for his trouble.” He denies the vicarious death of Christ for our sins. He rejects Christ as Israel’s Messiah. He denies Jesus’ resurrection. He speaks of Jesus in the most vile, loathsome terms.
THIS is the antichrist that so many evangelicals follow.
Shapiro often cites Maimonides, who is Shapiro’s biggest hero (he quotes him constantly). Maimonides was a 12th-century Jewish rabbi; his writings are regarded as canonical to the Talmud. He said that Christians are idolaters and pagans.
Of course they say that. They're Jews. J. E. W. S.. If they believed otherwise, they'd be Christians.
This has always been the Christian dilemma: they claim that their belief system originated with Jews who had an old covenant, but now, there is a brand new covenant (that coincided with the arrival of the Age of Pisces, and a new Time Lord for the new age) that is now for everyone, and not just the Jews. That's a running theme throughout the New Testament: the Old Covenant that coincided with the Age of Aires has become worn out and/or the Jews have screwed up too many times to please God who's taking it from the Jews and offering it to all non-Jews. The main problem was the Jews' refusal to get with the program.
What is the Christian to do? One thing he can't do is entertain the thought that maybe the Jews are right and his new religion is bullshit. The other possibility is that Jews are uniquely evil: otherwise, why would they reject the Time Lord of the Age of Pisces Messiah Jesus Christ? What comes next is antisemitism, persecutions, pogroms. There is quite a long history of that.
Christian Zionists in the U.S. are the world’s biggest enablers of the perpetual ethnic cleansings and genocides against the Palestinian people over the past 76 years. They are the backbone of the power and influence of the Israel lobby in Washington, D.C. They are the backbone of Israel’s control of the U.S. Congress and White House. They are the backbone of the Israeli-dominated mainstream news media. And they are the cause of the collapse of conscience and humanity among evangelical pulpits and churches.
More antisemitic tropes here. I don't agree with everything Netanyahu has done. I don't agree with his constant othering, demonization, and dog whistling. Bibi is a genocidal maniac as well as a corrupt politician more crooked than a dog's hind leg. I believe his wet dream is the genocide of Gaza Palestinians, but the generals commanding the IDF aren't going to indulge him on that.
As far as the Israel lobby, other countries have them too. Israel certainly doesn't "control" Congress or the White House. If they did, then you wouldn't see these leftoids threatening to cut off all aid to Israel. You wouldn't hear Biden's threatening them to play by Washington's rules or else. You wouldn't see Biden's telling Bibi to lay off Iran's nuclear sites, and Bibi's following Biden's orders. If Israel controlled the media, then how is it that you have tens of thousands of pro-Hamas demonstrators across America, Europe, and Australia? If they controlled the media to the extent Baldwin claims, this wouldn't be happening. If anyone's controlling the media, it's leftoids spreading leftoid idiot-ology and propaganda. Part of the Woke ideology is that Israel, and by extension Jews, are the oppressors because Israel is powerful. The Pals are the oppressed because they aren't. (Let's not forget the constant stream of lies coming from the lugenpresse about the whole fakedemic that destroyed any credibility they may have had. I can't say I blame these young demonstrators for not believing what the lugenpresse says about the events in Israel and Gaza.)
If Israel controls Congress, the Presidency, the media, they're doing a piss poor job of it.
As for "the collapse of conscience and humanity among evangelical pulpits", these Fundievangelicals did it to themselves. They built ridiculous "Ark Encounters" that aren't even boats, but boat-shaped buildings where the steel support columns and rivets are in plain sight, the air conditioning duct work, and a staff to take care of what few live animals they keep. The Arc Encounter sure damn well did not replicate Noah's methods and materials. Yet Fundies "think" it's a natural history museum. You have YECs getting their asses handed to them when debating Evil-u-shun with "science guys" then claiming they won one for the Lord™. Then there are the crooked televangelists who take advantage of the elderly, poor and/or desperate, and hypocritical preachers who get caught with their pants down (Yes Jerry Falwell Jr, Ravi Zacharias, Michael Voris that means you.) How many knuckled under the gov't's lock-down orders, closed their churches without a peep of protest? After they were allowed to resume services, how many shilled for the shit-shots instead of warning their congregations of the dangers of this untested, untried, genetic modification with horrific adverse events in the short term and long term consequences that were anyone's guess? All too many. Once you've agreed that worshiping God is nonessential, you've lost most of your flock. How about you, Chuck, was your church open?
This is what happens when you have two parties, both claiming they have a monopoly on the UltimateTruth™ without even a scintilla of evidence. Without evidence you don't have truth, just unsubstantiated claims with no means to determine who's right. (OIf course, neither side will ever entertain the notion that they could both be wrong.) Every. Fucking. Time. Without evidence, there is nothing left but to use force to compel -- either belief or the pretense of belief -- out of self preservation. Here in the West we were fortunate enough to have the Enlightenment that defanged, declawed, and neutered political Christianity. The Moslem world wasn't that lucky.
Fundievangelicals: doing Satan's work since 1980.