Dems Still don't Get It

Dec 19, 2024 23:36

‘Mistakes Were Made’: Dem Senator Explains Why He Thinks His Party Got Their ‘A*ses Kicked’, needless to say, he doesn't explain anything.

Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz detailed on a podcast Wednesday how he believes that since 2020 the Democratic Party’s rhetoric has led them to get their “asses kicked” in November, losing the House, the Senate, and the White House.

Following President-elect Trump’s win in November, Democrats began to question how their party lost so severely to Republicans, with some pundits suggesting the party had lost touch with their voters. On “The Bulwark,” Schatz said that while he didn’t want to blame the party for “everything” wrong, he began to acknowledge their loss.

“I don’t want to get into blaming us for everything that has gone wrong, but I do think we have to do some soul searching about right or wrong, fair or unfair, why we just got our asses kicked. I know - ” Schatz said.

No, dumbass, it has nothing to do with your "rhetoric".

“When COVID™ came along, the government, institutions, corporations, politicians told everybody they were going to die now. And that was a real risk and many people did die. So I’m not trying to crap all over, I thought, what was a pretty robust COVID™ response. We supported people’s income. We got the vaccines deployed. We came through a pandemic,” Schatz added.

You should have thought of that three fucking years ago. Of course, you didn't because it served your cause. There was never any such thing as COVID™, no one died from this nonexistent disease: it was the seasonal flu, and the flu seasons of '19 and '20 were milder than usual, with fewer deaths. COVID™ was listed as the cause of death even if the contributing factors included falling off a roof, wrapping your pick'um up truck around a bridge abutment at 100MPH, or a .45 slug going through your head. It was so egregious, so obvious, the Centers for Disease Creation and Propagation had to admit it.

Here's a helpful hint for your next election campaign: don't mention the shit-shots -- like ever.

“More lives could have been saved. Also mistakes were made. But we told people, ‘Hey, listen, you’re going to die.’ Then definitionally, the people who didn’t die are still around, right? Then we say democracy is going to die, right? Then democracy doesn’t die,” Schatz said. “Then we say four years later, by the way, this time is the time to be worried about American style democracy collapsing. I just think people just stopped believing this idea that we’re always at the precipice of a catastrophe.”

“They don’t like living like that. They are willing to reject information that indicates that it is that serious,” Schatz said. “One of the things that I’m learning as you study other movements that have fought autocracy is usually the best way to fight autocracy is to not necessarily talk about autocracy, right? As you find out that people’s individual pain points, which usually have to do with corruption and their own economic circumstances and their desire for freedom and elevate that. But building a movement called, ‘I can’t believe he did that,’ is a good way to get to around 46%.”

Yeah, right, sure, whatever the fuck you say. This is projection: the authoritarians, the autocrat wannabes, are all Democrats. They were the ones threatening "vaccine" passports and mandates. The bluest of blue cities actually imposed "vaccine" passports. After the SCOTUS over ruled the Pretendident's mandate for forced shit-shots for any employer of 100 or more, LGB tried to do an end run around the court by telling these employers to use internal hiring and retention policies to impose what LGB couldn't. This uniting of the political power of the state and the financial power of big business is Fascism. Being followers of Alinsky, the Dems were constantly accusing The Donald and MAGA republicans of being fascists.

Liberals have always believed they know better than you do what's in your best interests.

Another article along the same lines from Slick Willie: Bill Clinton Warns Of ‘War’ On ‘Diversity’ In American Politics

Former President Bill Clinton warned on a podcast Monday that he believes there’s a “war” on “diversity” within American politics following President-elect Donald Trump’s win in November.

During Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign, Clinton publicly supported her, joining the trail in key battleground states in October. On the “Leading” podcast, co-host Alastair Campbell asked the former president what had “gone wrong” in American politics to bring Trump back into office, saying that populism is “on the march.”

The only ones who've been at war against diversity in political discussions have been Dems and leftoids. Let's ask Ben Shapiro or Anne Coulter about their receptions on university campuses, shall we? Who was that, doing all the shadow banning, manipulating search engine algorithms to hide any site even slightly to the right of Che Guevarra. That would be Silicon valley limousine liberals, billionaire college boys who haven't given up their college ways, who constantly shit on the very ism that enabled them to rise as high as they did.

Clinton went on to say that he believes there is an attempt to push identity politics as a “zero-sum game.” He said that the issue lies in both “identity” and “economics.”

“As you saw in the UK the left moved left and basically saying the government can fix all this and a lot of this is about culture, how we treat each other, how we live together, what we hold on to and what we give up and it’s highly complicated,” Clinton said. “But mostly it’s about the sense that life is being constantly upended and a lot of people want to hold on to at least what they’ve got and to do better without giving up social conventions and arrangements that they believe in. So people ask me all the time, is this about identity or economics and the answer is both.”

Just a slicker way to say Bitter Clingers.

These Dems still don't get it because they can not look any farther than the superficial. It's all form over substance. When Dems lose, it's because they didn't explain their message well enough. Hell, they're even blaming the press! Never mind that the lugenpresse was almost unanimously in the bag for Cackles. If only Americans could understand, they'd always vote Dem. If they lose, it's because their candidate wasn't good enough, &c &c &c -- endless excuses.

They will not, can not admit that their idiot-ology is the problem. Not even when the evidence is starring them in the face: the ruined cities such as San Franscisco, Seattle, 'DC, Chicago. Dem dominated states like California and New York which are hemorrhaging population, and have been for years now. You would think they'd've noticed and figured they were doing something wrong. They won't since TrueBelievers™ will never admit their idiot-ology could be flawed. No, it's your fault, and that's why the governor of New York said that conservatives weren't welcome and that they should go elsewhere.

It's not that We the People don't understand well enough, it's that we understand all too well and we want no part of this leftoid Promised Land. This is why they alienate half the voters with comments like "Bitter Clingers", "Deplorables", "Irredeemables", "Semi-fascists", &c. That's not how you win over independents, and certainly not Trump supporters.

Dems: it isn't that your form is flawed, it's because your substance stinks. Remind me again what it's called when you do the same things over and over while expecting different results?

politics, liberals, democrats

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