Council of Trent, the Catholic apologist salesman for Constantine's Corporation, is at it again. Here's his latest video:
The Argument for God Atheists Fear the Most. In his intellectually dishonest manner, he poisons the well right from the get-go, right there in the title itself. Why would I be afraid of any argument? If I'm mistaken about something, then by all means correct me. Once again, he's implying that atheism is a belief system in which its claimants have some sort of emotional stake in the proposition. Maybe some do for whatever reasons. Maybe a priest/minister/rabbi assraped them, or the nuns at Catholic school beat them one too many times, or some Xian fucked them over. Atheism means no god beliefs, period, without any references as for why the unbeliever rejects the truth value of god claims. It's not relevant. Show me evidence that supports the god hypothesis, and I'll reconsider.
Secondly he, either willfully or ignorantly, confuses arguments with evidence. I don't think Trent is that stupid, so more intellectual dishonesty on his part.
Then he goes on and on about how the "fine tuning" of the universe somehow demonstrates the existence of one or more gods. He claims it's the most compelling argument, and quote mines some CensorTube atheists seeming to agree.
Once again for clarity: Arguments are not evidence.
The whole argument goes that the constants of nature were fine tuned for life. First of all. the universe was not fine tuned for life. The conditions found out there are inimical to life, and would likely kill you within minutes or seconds. The one and only place in the universe where you find life is right here, on Earth. If there are other worlds, other solar systems, where there is life, we have yet to discover them. Even on Earth, there are just ESSSSSS-loads of places you wouldn't want to find yourself. Dropped into the middle of an ocean, at the South Pole in July, or the Sahara in July, and your chances aren't looking very good to say the least. There have been times where planet Earth has done its best to eradicate all life on it -- mass extinction events that wiped out 90% of all species, and more than once. That doesn't seem very "fine tuned" does it?
Of course, Trent attempts to explain this away with more mental masturbation (the only type Catlicks are allowed, no pawing off permitted) over "optimal" designs and ones that are barely adequate, and some bullshit about electrons in love. Despite the point he's trying to make, it's self defeating: if there is a god, then that god did a half assed job with the universe, and such a half-assed job that the universe is as expected if it arose from natural processes without any purpose or design.
The whole "fine tuning" argument is built upon the foundation of an unwarranted assumption: that the constants of nature could have been anything, infinite possibilities that defy probability. We don't know that these constants couldn't've had a very narrow range instead, or that there was ever a possibility they could have been anything other than what they are. Trent also claims, but does not back up, that if these constants were only slightly off life would be impossible. You'll just have to take his word for that. Here's where Trent pulls that old apologist trick of claiming that we need to answer why the constants are as they are. They do this all the time: demand that the unbeliever have all the answers. Well, Trent, here's an answer: "I don't know". That's a legitimate answer, and a damn sight more honest than what Trent does: "I doanunnerstannit therefore goddunnit". "I don't know" is the first step in finding out. "Goddunnit" means I already have my explanation and have no need to look into it any further. As Richard Feynman said: "I'd rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned".
...the response is to say that this is just impossible just because can form an image of something in your mind that doesn't mean the image you form could really happen or that it's metaphysically possible...
The concept of irony goes over Trent's head at warp speed and with parsecs to spare. You can imagine the Xian, tri-omni, god and an entire body of theology to go along with it but that doesn't mean the image you formed could really happen or that it's metaphysically possible. Also, Trent here just destroyed the Ontological Argument which posits that if you can imagine a god as the greatest thing possible then it must exist for realsies because an all-great thing that exists is greater than a fictional character you imagined.
That's apologists for you: they can't keep their bullshit straight.
Once again, we see Trentie's not coming within a hundred parsecs of demonstrating that this imagined creator god is identical to the Roamin Catlick god.