Cackles Picks a VP

Aug 08, 2024 01:55

Cackles has picked a potential vice president, and typically screwed that up: Weird Walz Throwing Stones in a Glass House. There were several choices among Democrats, including the governors of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, who's well thought of in that state, or Kentucky governor, Andy Beshear. No, Cackles just had to choose a leftoid whack-o-bird who's less sane than she is. Minnesota is a state of insanity. Not to mention it's also damned cold. I was in Minnesota in August and damn near froze my ass off.

The fraud in flannel, Tyrant Tim Walz, has been making national headlines for his potential role as DEI Kamala’s Cackles' running mate. As Minnesotans who have been unfortunate enough to live under his reign, we know that he would destroy our nation like he has destroyed our state. The undeserved praise and support Walz has received from Democrats and their propaganda arm (mainstream media) is enough to make the stomach turn of anyone who knows better. Even just today (8/1/24) Walz is pushing to infringe on our 2nd Amendment Rights.

Don't let the lugenpresse con you into believing Walz is some sort of "moderate": he's no such thing.


  • After completing a campaign course by Wellstone Action, Walz announced a run for MN-CD1 in 2006
  • Positioned himself as a moderate despite supporting crazy Nancy Pelosi as Speaker EVERY SINGLE TIME
  • Supported extending funding for forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Received awful voting record ratings from the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens against Government Waste, Americans for Tax Reform, FreedomWorks, and more
  • Was a member of the “LGBT Equality Caucus” which set the groundwork for the woke agenda underway
  • Collaborated with China for failed cancer research
  • Co-authored a Resolution (HR1148) praising the work and mission of Klaus Schwab and the globalist, anti-freedom, pro-bug eating, anti-ownership, and anti-national sovereignty World Economic Forum (WEF)

  • Abused Emergency Powers and refused to hand them over
  • Shut down schools, churches, and businesses over what is now considered a common cold
  • Instituted anti-scientific mask mandates
  • Used $7M tax dollars on a morgue to house dead bodies (thinking Covid would wipe MN out, this was sold and was never housed a single person)
  • Locked nursing home residents with Covid-infected patients, leading to unnecessary and heartless deaths
  • Kept dying people away from their families in hospitals
  • Fired government workers/medical professionals for refusing an experimental shot that did not do as was promised & bribed other Minnesotans into taking it
  • Signed a "Trans Refuge" bill that strips parental rights and allows children of any age to be mutilated, castrated, and/or “transitioned”
  • Signed a bill requiring tampons in boy's bathrooms
  • Signed bill mandating carbon free energy that will cause massive price increases and blackouts
  • Oversaw largest Covid Fraud scheme in the nation (Feeding Our Future) with $250M stolen from taxpayers
  • The American Experiment suggests hundreds of millions of tax dollars have been lost fraud since 2019 in other cases
  • Allowed the Twin Cities to riot and burn for three nights including homes, businesses, and the Third Police Precinct and then blamed it on “white supremacist groups” and “drug cartels”
  • Refused to bring in the National Guard for three days despite President Trump (and even Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey) begging him to
  • Allowed the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MN Felon Fund) to fundraise criminals out of prison, many of which were repeat criminals who were locked up again (Kamala posted a link to bring in donors and many Biden officials donated)
  • Instituted a nationally-influenced, leftist pipedream agenda passed by a narrow Legislature through corrupt, immoral, and un-Constitutional circumstances (Partially due to his role as Dem. Governor's Ass. Chair)
  • Signed the most corrupt, un-Constitutional, GIANT 2,800 page omnibus bill (HF5247) which combined nine bills at the very last minute in violation of the MN State Constitution Article 4 Section 17 outlawing multi-subject bills and legislative procedure mandating conference committees and several floor votes
  • Just weeks ago helped cover up for Biden’s deteriorating mental state, suggested many times that Biden should be re-elected for a term that ends in January 2029

The article includes links to sources backing up the claims made here in the article. Of course, don't be expecting the leftstream media to do any substantive reporting on Walz's record. We haven't gotten any regarding Cackles, and we didn't get it four years ago when LGB ran, so why should they change now?

The latest trope is that J.D. Vance is "weird".

Walz has particularly picked up attention for his overvalued insult against J.D. Vance by suggesting that he is “weird”. This talking point has been picked up by the Fake News mafia and even Kamala Cackles herself.

As with every other charge, they provide no examples whatsoever. If you want to talk weird, then how about this: 2024 will kick off with menstrual product requirement in boy and girl school bathrooms?

A new law requiring Minnesota public schools to stock free menstrual products in bathrooms used by students in 4th through 12th grade goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024. The requirement was one of the first bills given a hearing by both the House and Senate Education Policy Committees this past legislative session.

Yeah, that makes all sorts of sense.

During a House Education Policy Committee on the bill this past January, an amendment to add the word “female” before the student reference was rejected (“…in restrooms regularly used by female students in grades 4 to 12…”). “Not all students who menstruate are female,” (Yes they are) bill author Rep. Sandra Feist stated. “This [the amendment] is just another way to divide people in our schools,” added Thomas Stinson, a licensed school nurse at Harding High School.

You can't make this shit up. And some people actually believe schools included litter trays for students who are Furries. Demonstrating, once again, that Poe's Law doesn't apply exclusively to Fundievangelicals. You can't satirize or parody the left anymore since the left is a self parody.

left_wingnuts, moonbats, demorat_party, leftie_whackos

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