Tucker Carlson Going off the Deep End

Jul 02, 2024 07:05

I used to watch Carlson on FOX all the time, and thought he was really good. Much better than his predecessor: Bull O'Lielly. After leaving FOX, however, he's going all meshuga on us. Here's a vid: Clicky. Yeah, I know it's Ray "Banana Man" Comfort (just skip all the God-bothering in the middle).

I wondered about Carlson after he got into all that UFO bullshit that made me wonder if he wasn't angling for a spot on "Ancient Astronauts". I've posted about Carlson and UFOs before. That was bad enough: Carlson's claims that there was a great scandal among the military, what are we going to do to defend ourselves. Facts are, that if these really are extraterrestrial craft that are capable of doing 13000MPH without burning up, can sustain accelerations of over 700G, operate in air, water, and space equally well, the military has but one defense: hope they're friendly. If they're not, kiss your ass goodbye because there is no defense against a technology that advanced.

Here, we see Carlson going all whoo-hoo. The Repitiians are here, they're taking the form of humans, yada, yada, yada. No, Tucker, there are no spiritual forces at work. Remember what Franklin Roosevelt pointed out: everything that happens in politics happens the way it did because it was planned that way. We have a long running attempt on the parts of secret, and not so secret, societies to engage in subversion, such as the Fabians and Frankfurt School, both of which stated that their method would be the Long March through the Institutions. They've been at it since the 1890s, at the very least. These people don't think in terms of the next news cycle, or the next election. They think in terms of decades and centuries. It's two steps forward, and one step back. They don't even bother to hide it anymore, if they ever did.

All the nonsense you hear coming from Carlson is actually distract and deflect. I don't know what's up with that. Is he pandering for clicks and views? Is he deliberate controlled opposition? Is he duped? It doesn't matter because the results are the same: chasing after phantasms instead of paying attention to those involved in this subversion.

  • Freedom has always had enemies, and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
  • Heinlien's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity and incompetence.

politics, bullshit, wingnuts

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