Apparently that would be Rep. Pete Stauber of Minnesota:
Congressman Proves Why Bringing Back and Protecting Wolves is Not the Best Idea. No he didn't prove anything.
Most of us from rural communities understand that wildlife conservation is a balancing act between predator and prey. As humans, it is our job, as the Bible says, to have “dominion” over it and help manage what we can.
This is the same Bible that tells us bats are birds, hares are cud chewers, that π= 3.0, the Earth is flat, has foundations and doesn't move, that ice comes from a womb, and snow and hail are stored in warehouses, that fantasy creatures such as the basilisk, unicorn, dragon, and leviathan really do exist. It is wrong about everything, written by ignorant, pre-science, Bronze Age primitives who didn't have the slightest idea of what they were discussing, so I'm not gonna take its word when it comes to the conservation of endangered species. Neither should you.
As you likely know, the gray wolf has been included on the national “endangered wildlife” list for some time. As such, it has been federally protected, and most states have strict no-hunting laws when it comes to wolves.
But in states, such laws are becoming rather problematic.
Take Minnesota, for instance. As part of the natural habitat of the gray wolf, hunting wolves has been banned there for decades. However, as the wolf population has grown, citizens are noticing more and more dangers in living with these wild predators (Wild. FUCKING. Predators. Lions and tigers and bears and wolves! Oh my!!!!1111)
What "dangers"? Are you afraid the big bad wolf will huff and puff and blow your McMansion down? (Quite frankly, given the quality of workmanship and materials I've seen used to build these monstrosities, that may be a possibility.)
Minnesota Congressman Pete Stauber is one. As he shared in a video recently on his social media accounts, wolves are becoming less and less afraid of humans. This, as well as the fact that there are more of them, meaning they will expand their territory, means the risk to humans is increasing exponentially (Expo-FUCKING-entially!!!!1111).
In the video sent to Stauber by a logger, a wolf is seen chasing down a whitetail deer, the carnivore’s natural and main source of food. The problem is that the creature runs right through a human-populated logging job site to do it.
So? I, personally, would be glad to actually see one. These loggers shouldn't be such pussies.
Now, Stauber nor anyone else is saying that these amazing creations do not exist anymore. However, as the video shows, their natural habitat is not what it once was. What used to be just forests and plains are now housing communities and neighborhoods full of kids.
I guess the idiot article writer meant to say "do not deserve to exist", but that is what this asshole Congresscritter is saying. "Creations": no, you Fundievangelical whack-o-doodle, wolves evolved. We know all about how that happened. They didn't just poof into existence by magic.
Don't want to live near wolves? Then don't build your goddamn McMansion in wolf country. Problem. Fucking. Solved.