The latest from Newsweek:
Americans Don't Want to Fight For Their Country Anymore. SRSLY?
What the fuck, Newsweek? Slow news day? We began hearing about this two years ago at the very least.
Of course, the article is perfectly predictable: no mention of vax mandates, no mention of the tens of thousands of servicemen unceremoniously kicked to the curb for nothing other than wanting to keep their blood pure. No mention of the fucked up, Woke, recruitment adverts. No mention of all those ForeverWars™ the neo-"cons" have been starting ever since Bush the Lesser's Iraq clusterfuck. No mention of how the US of A has been involved in Afghanistan for twenty years (that's over 5X the time it took to lick Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan) and how these neo-"cons" fucked that up. No mention of sending Americans to fight other peoples' wars in countries 90% of them couldn't locate on a map if their lives depended on it, but no troopers to guard our borders. NOT. WORD. ONE. Blame those lousy, rotten, unpatriotic, fat, stupid, lazy, Gen-Zers all you want, but you can't fix a problem until you first acknowledge a problem.
Denial: it ain't a river in Egypt.