If you want to know what controlled opposition looks like, then here it is:
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I can spare you the bother of watching. This asshole's whole message is they don't care about you, there's nothing you can do about it, so just give up, pray for your pie in the sky while you wait to die. His message isn't unique by any means, and he's not the only one.
When I see shit like this, the first question I ask is: "Who benefits?" If I do like he asks, tear up my voter registration card while thinking I'm way too cool, too "enlightened" to be "deceived", who benefits? I have no idea who actually said it (Thomas Jefferson is frequently credited) "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance". It is the eternal enemies of liberty that want your apathy, that want your feeling "virtuous" and "know better", while they work to end your liberty.
He is right about one thing: "they" don't care about you, so you have to make them care. You make certain they know you're watching and that you vote.
Around the ten minute mark, you have this: "Because Jesus Christ is the only one who will be your friend who will be there for you through thick and thin". Yes, because you can always rely on imaginary friends to always agree with you. He goes on and on with this bullshit. We've seen this before: it was the same message we got from Glenn Cuck as he betrayed, demoralized, and neutralized the TEA Party in August of '10, on the eve of Lucemon's first mid-term. as for Kevin's suggestion, I have one of my own. Shit in one hand while praying with the other and tell me which one fills up faster.
And this: "When you realize it's the little things in life that matters... once you realize this, you will be a whole lot happier" Klaus Schwab couldn't've said it better.
There is another saying to the effect of that the only thing for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. This is, in effect, what Kev here is advocating.
Kevin, fuck you and the Jesus you rode in on.