Prepare yourself: whole Amazons of bullshit are threatening to spill out of your monitors all over the carpet.
Firts up, we have this from
The Federalist: Trump's Acceptance Speech was a Eulogy for the GOP.
CLEVELAND - A spectre is haunting Americe - the spectre of A great darkness has descended on America. Poverty and violence increase across the land. Armed gangs roam the streets. Illegal immigrants pour across cross our borders. Some of them harbor wicked schemes. Others simply want to steal American jobs.
Overseas, death and destruction reign. The long shadow of ISIS spreads across the Middle East. Iran marshals its strength and hatches plots. Civil war rages in Syria, chaos rules in Iraq and Libya. America has abandoned her allies. Her name has become a byword among the nations.
But there is hope. A great man, wealthy and wise, has pledged to save us. He alone will ensure that “the powerful can no longer beat up on people that cannot defend themselves.” He alone will bring back our jobs, take care of our veterans, and destroy our enemies. He has promised to be our voice, to make us strong and proud and safe again. To make America great again.
That’s the picture Donald Trump painted in his acceptance speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention. It was cartoonish and Nixonian, and it will likely be remembered as a kind of eulogy for the GOP.
Note: Emphasis mine
Remember this?
- "We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek".
- "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal".
- Hope and change!
- Yes we can!
- &c ad infinitum, ad nauseum
Where were you eight years ago? Obama did nothing but cartoonish, for eight FUCKING months, and no one from the Leftstream Media ever questioned or complained. A politician long on promises, short on specifics who makes extravagant promises? WHODAHTHUNKDAT?!
But for the occasion of his coronation as leader of a doomed political party, it was entirely appropriate. After all, Trump has tapped into the anger and frustration of so many Americans in part by exaggerating their problems and the troubles facing America.
No he didn't. Trump didn't "exaggerate" anything; he didn't manufacture that anger and frustration: the establishment GOP-pers did that when they co-opted, neutralized, ostracized, and ridiculed the TEA Party Republicans and did nothing but cave to every one of Lucemon's demands. The GOP was handed the largest majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate they'd enjoyed in generations -- in 2010 and 2012, and 2014 -- and they did nothing to stop anything Lucemon wanted to do. They could have defunded, but they didn't. They could have supported their TEA Party colleagues, but they didn't. Instead, they did everything to marginalize them. That even after they compromised and agreed to elevate Boehner to Speaker. When the other GOP candidates refused to address the very issues that sent those legions of fresh Republicans to Congress, they left the door wide open for Trump. They did it to themselves, and now they refuse to accept the responsibility.
"His acceptance speech, like much of his primary campaign, was an extended warning of the terrors and deprivations to come if Hillary Clinton wins the White House".
Yes, because it's so much better when the GOP candidate says of the Dem candidate that he's fundamentally a good man and you don't have to fear what he'll do if he wins. Just ask former President John McCain how swell that worked out.
Especially on trade, to listen to Trump one would think globalization had laid waste the American economy. That NAFTA was “one of the worst economic deals ever made by our country.” That the Trans-Pacific Partnership “will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments.”
You would think that and you would be right. Ross Perot's giant sucking sound came to pass, just like he said it would. Trump is right about this in every detail.
More Bullshit from The Federalist
It is worse if Trump wins (and I think he has a higher chance of winning than most polls say): a Trump victory vindicates Trumpism-already dangerously on the rise-and permanently transforms the Republican Party into the party of white grievance, nativism, and belligerent nationalism. America will no longer have a party of limited government and classical liberalism. Losing the presidency but recovering a party dedicated to the ideals of ordered liberty is far preferable.
Note: Emphasis mine
The Moral Collapse of the Republican Party "America will no longer have a party of limited government and classical liberalism".
Last I heard, the Libertarian Party was still in the running. As for the GOP, it has never been the party of limited government and classical liberalism. Under Republicans and Democrats alike, all the FedGov has done is grow larger, more intrusive, and more expensive. The Republicans have been, with some very rare exceptions, complicit. You have to go all the way back to Warren G. Harding to find a GOP POTUS who actually did anything to roll back the excesses of the previous Dem misadministration, and even then, Harding failed in two very important areas: he failed to "kill the bank" (Federal Reserve) and the income tax. Ike did nothing to roll back FDR's New Deal; Nixon did nothing to dismantle LBJ's Great Society. Saint Ronald the Reagan made empty promises of fiscal responsibility and "draining the swamp. His deficits exceeded Jimmy Carter's for every year of his misadministration, and he ended his term, not by draining the swamp, but by making it even bigger: the useless Dept of Veterans Affairs was Ronnie's doing.
The only presidents who actually tried to do something about any of this were John F. Kennedy whose executive order 11110 was a run-around the Fed that ordered Treasury to issue "US Notes": a $2.00 bill backed by gold, and a $5.00 bill backed by silver. It was Bill Clinton who attempted real welfare reform that actually got people out of dependence and into jobs. Both were Democrats, not Republicans.
"...permanently transforms the Republican Party into the party of white grievance, yada, yada, yada".
Listen up you dumbfuck: nothing you do will ever make the libbies, progs, moonbats love you, let alone vote for you. It. Isn't. Happening. Tell me why I should vote for an echo instead of a choice? Tell me why I should vote for "Democrat Lite" when I can vote for the real thing?
"Trump-ism" may, emphasis on may, transform the GOP from the party of the neo-"cons" into something actually resembling a conservative party. This is the prospect that has had these neo-"cons" shitting bricks ever since the Trump campaign took flight, and began to look like a winning campaign. Will "trump-ism" actually accomplish that? Who knows at this point? That all these neo-"cons" are suddenly scrambling aboard the Trump Train is something to worry about. Do they know something we don't?
Two former Republican vice presidents-Dick Cheney and Dan Quayle-have endorsed him. Several of Trump’s primary rivals, including Bobby Jindal and Rick Perry, have embraced him. Worst of all, even Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan, two of the Republicans I admire most, are awkwardly trying to straddle the fence. Even Lindsey Graham sounds like he is wavering.
I would be much more concerned as to why all these neo-"cons" are suddenly endorsing this putative "outsider"? Is TheDonald™ really as "outside" as we'd been led to believe? It's beginning to look like we was had, and that TheDonald™ was never what he seemed to be.
Raging Hypocrisy from Red State
What these assholes are doing needs to be seen to be believed. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.
The most egregious example of the RNC and Priebus protecting Trump came when THEY awarded all 40 of Utah's delegates to Donald Trump, a guy who got a whopping 14% of the vote in Utah back in March. All of Utah's delegates are supposed to be for Ted Cruz, who won Utah's primary in a landslide.
Next Priebus and company did the exact same thing with Washington DC's 19 delegates. They were supposed to go 10 Rubio, 9 Kasich and the Districts delegate on the Rules Committee was assured that that was want would happen tonight. Instead of honoring the vote, the RNC pulled a fast one on the DC delegation and gave Trump all 19 delegates, delegates he did not earn.
Where were you eight years ago when the same GOP establishment fucked over Ron Paul? Remember, Red State is the same outfit that deleted pro-Paul posts, that perma-banned as many Paul supporters as fast as they could find them. This, despite that Ron Paul was as legitimate a Republican candidate as was Roll Over Rudy, or McCain, or Huckabee Hound. Hell, Paul supporters received a warmer welcome at the Daily-FUCKING-Kos than they received from Red State.
At the Ought 8 GOPcon, the establishment refused to seat Paul delegates, confiscated their signage before allowing them admittance, went out of their way to make it "Kristol" clear that these enthusiastic young people who were sick and tired of Liberals and leftist policies, you know, the very same sort of young people Saint Ronald the Reagan once said the GOP needed to attract, were not welcome. The youngest slate of delegates in generations, and the OldGuard™ treated these young whipper-snappers like so many kids playing on their lawns.
You Red State assholes were just fine with that fuckery when it was aimed at Ron Paul. You don't get to complain now when it's used in favour of TheDonald™. Again, I ask, why would Priebus do this in the first place? Reemeber: the main concern of the Trumpsters™ was that the establishment GOP would attempt to steal the nomm from TheDonald™, not grease the skids for him. One wonders why?
Yet More Red State Bullshit
The culture wars Thiel derides are not "fake." Thiel knows this. Thiel is an active and enthusiastic warrior, himself. Thiel's own company, PayPal. is happily involved in harassing and punishing anyone who will not agree that sexual perversion is the new black. The same people that think it is fine to have an adult male using the same locker room as your daughter are the same people who call 50-plus million dead babies a "choice." They are called Democrats.
So what prompted this?
When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom. This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?
Of course this asshole would take exception: Peter Thiel was actually making sense here. These so-cons and theo-cons just do not get it: abortion is here to stay, the fags aren't going back into the closet, the niggers aren't returning to their place, uppity wimminz aren't gonna shut up and make you a sandwich, the public highschool Biology instructor isn't going to be using Genesis as a text and the Flintstones as a documentary, "Flat Earth Theory" isn't going to be taught in Earth Science; Geocentrism won't be taught in Astronomy.