Pat Buchanan Catching Up

Mar 22, 2016 16:15

Here is the latest from Pat: The Rule-or-Ruin Republicans. 'Bout damn time you figured this out. I've been saying so ever since Ought 8.

Whatever one may think of Donald Trump, his campaign has done us a service - exposing the underbelly of a decaying establishment whose repudiation by America’s silent majority is long overdue.

Pat, if you're plagiarizing my Ell-Jay, I'd appreciate a citation.

Last week came reports on another closed conclave of the “Never Trump” cabal at the Army and Navy Club in D.C. Apparently, William Kristol circulated a memo detailing how to rob Trump of the nomination, even if he finishes first in states, votes and delegates.

Should Trump win on the first ballot, Kristol’s fallback position is to create a third party and recruit a conservative to run as its nominee.

Purpose: Have this rump party siphon off enough conservative votes to sink Trump and give the presidency to Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose policies are more congenial to the neocons and Kristol’s Weekly Standard.

More and more, it's beginning to look like The Donald is the real deal. They wouldn't be going this far if Trump were a stalking horse, a sacrificial candidate intent on throwing the election Hillary's way. If that bastard, Kristol, dislikes Trupm that much, that's all the more reason to support him.

Among the candidates Kristol is reportedly proposing are ex-Governor Rick Perry of Texas and former Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, both respected conservatives.

Kristol contends a third-party conservative candidate can win.

He can’t be serious. It is absurd to think Gov. Perry, whose poll numbers were so low that he dropped out of the race last September without winning a single primary, caucus, or even a delegate, could capture the White House on a third-party ticket.

Yes, Pat, he is serious. Dead serious. If all the conservative lemmings go charging over that cliff, then Hillary wins: Mission Accomplished! And don't think for a Planc's Interval that the Hill won't show her gratitude.

Indeed, if the supreme imperative for Kristol and the “Never Trump” conservatives is to defeat him, they have become de facto allies of George Soros and, Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street - and the party of Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton.

However, if the oligarchs, neocons and Trump-loathers, having failed to stop him in Cleveland, collude to destroy the GOP ticket in the fall, they have a chance of succeeding. And Clinton’s super PACs would surely be delighted to contribute to that cause. What do you mean they will become allies of Soros? They're already allies and have been for quite some time. As for MoveOn™ BlackLivesMatter™ or OccupyWallSt™ (remember them?) these are all distract and deflect psy-ops and were never anything else.

But, again, what will they have accomplished?

They will have made Washington safe for PoliticsAsUsual™ They will have held up their end of the bargain made back in Ought 8: Hillary stands down, sits down, shuts up, lets the black guy win so's these neo-"cons" can have their "Democratic Interlude" to give all us little people time enough to forget how these neo-"cons" fucked up everything they touched when they ran the Bush misadministration up until the last couple of years when GWB finally started thinking for himself.

In exchange, Hillary gets handed the presidency in 2016. Once again, the establishment elites tried to nominate another sacrificial candidate: first the Jebber™, then LittleMarco™. As in Ought 8, they failed, just as they did when Roll Over Rudy lost Iowa to Mike Huckabee. throwing the whole process into disarray.

This time, they didn't count on The Donald, who, of all the candidates, actually addressed issues of vital concern to all the denizens of Flyover Territory. If the elites are stuck with Trump, they have no one but themselves to blame, as they were the ones putting forth candidates who didn't have the balls to defy the dictums of PoliticalCorrectness™

Do they think that Republicans who stay loyal to the ticket will not see them for the selfish, rule-or-ruin, wrecking crew they have become? Do they think that if a Trump-led ticket is defeated, they will be restored to the positions of power and preeminence that a majority of their fellow Republicans have voted to strip away from them?

No, Pat, they don't think so, they know so. Hillary will "restore" them to positions of power they never lost in the first place. As for how rank and file Republicans see them, they don't give a rat's ass. They can work just as easily with President Hilary Clinton as they could for a President Rubio or a President Jeb Bush. Party labels mean nothing when parties mean nothing, and it takes an electron microscope to see the difference. Keep Hoe Sixpack on his couch with a bag of Cheetos on one hand, a Bud in the other, a fridge filled with 12-packs of Bud, and the Big Game on the telly and he won't care. They already know this.

The American people want their borders secured, the invasion stopped, the manufacturing plants brought back and an end to the conscription of our best and bravest to fight wars dreamed up in the tax-exempt think tanks of neoconservatives.

Trump is winning because he speaks for the people. Look at those crowds.

Establishment pundits are now wailing that they have gotten the message, that they understand that they have not been listening.

But still, they refuse to act on this recognition.

They'll say anything they think we want to hear. Europeans want the same things, and the globalist elites haven't been listening over there either. Acting was never part of their game plan.

If these conservative defectors from a ticket led by Trump collude with Democrats, by running a third party candidate to siphon off Trump’s votes, they may succeed.

But they delude themselves if they think they will have solved the problem of their own irrelevance, or that they have a future.

The party will survive. They won’t.

Keep whistling past that graveyard, Pat. If only they were "irrelevant"! If only they didn't have a future! Unforch, you are wrong. The dog and pony show will roll on until the final crack-up. When that happens, they'll jet off to their island paradises while the rest of us get splattered with all the shit that just hit the fan.

republicans, politics, hillary_clinton, patrick_j_buchanan, neocons

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