The Dems lost themselves another mid-term, and the whining is coming in. Here are three "diaries" from the Daily KooksKos.
Them Young Whipper-Snappers
For all the Dems' blather about how the Republican brand in particular, and conservativism in general, is the province of dying, old, white men, this is astounding.
A Gen-Xer Sends an Open Letter to Disillusioned Young Voters.
Dear Disillusioned Young Voter,
I hear you and all the others who 'stayed home' on Election Day 2014; I really do. The Democrats have been disappointing to nearly every one of us who voted them in, and watching them being unable to enact any of the policies that the majority of us want to see implemented has been pretty frustrating.
Unable to enact policies? Really? The Dems had two years (2009 -- 2011) to do pretty much what the hell ever they wanted. What was it that made them "unable"? Could it be that they did enact their policies and we didn't like the end result?
"Getting upset about all of this is not unreasonable, but handing over the government to the Republicans is quite frankly the stupidest way possible to respond"
Stupid young 'uns: this is what they think of you when they think you're not looking. What else is one to do, given how the American system works. Let's talk about all the fed-up conservative voters who sat out 2008 and 2012? When the "majors" piss all over you, what's the alternative? Third party protest vote? That would be nice, but staying home is a heluvalot easier.
Apparently, the disasters of the Iraq War and the economic collapse of 2008 weren’t enough to demonstrate just how badly the GOP screws over the average American whenever they are given the power to do so, even though I hear a whole lot of millennials complaining about the lack of jobs and soaring debt that those debacles created for you. Are you really incapable of making the connection between GOP control of our government in the early 2000’s and the problems you’re facing right now?
This "Gen-Xer" has an intellectual honesty problem here. He also doesn't realize that the Dems can't piss in that well without pissing in their own. Iraq War: tell us how many Dems voted to give Pres Bush the authorization to fight that war? Where were you when it actually counted for something, being the "loyal opposition"? The Dems caved on this issue without a peep of protest, only to turn on Bush like a pack of jackals (no disrespect to jackals meant here) when it didn't look like it was going Bush's way.
Economic Collapse of 2008: yeah, remind us how it was Dems who blocked every one of Bush's initiatives to try to fix this clusterfuck. Remind us again of how "Bawney Fwank" stood there in the House and swore up and down that Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were solvent, and actually good investments.The Dems aided and abetted and did NOTHING to try to ameliorate the damage.
"Are you really incapable of making the connection between GOP control of our government in the early 2000’s and the problems you’re facing right now?"
No, but I am perfectly capable of making the connection between the problems we're facing right now and Dem control of the House and Senate, beginning in 2007.
I was never a fan of George W. Bush, but isn't it high time these Dems stop blaming him for their current woes?
If the Obama presidency has demonstrated nothing else to you, it should have driven home the point that politics is an endless struggle, not a 'victory' you can win with one or two elections, then sit back and enjoy the spoils. You win nothing by pouting and refusing to participate, but this year, you may have just lost everything.
That is precisely what the Obama promised: "Hopenchange!", "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal": Barack Obama,
There's lots more where that came from. It was Obama himself who made all the grandiose, unrealistic, promises. It was Obama who never made a move to reel back his most fanatical supporters to reality. He never promised "endless struggle". Obama, and Obama alone, set himself up for disillusuonment when those blinded by that mystical light that sent them to the polls to vote for Obama discovered that reality is that thing that won't leave them alone no matter how hard they wished it would. I saw this coming back in 2007. I said so then, and during the run-up to the 2008 Presidential. There was no way in hell anyone could ever have made good on all the overblown promises he made in his shameless pander for votes.
The rest is hysterical nonsense, it's the GOPocalypse! Run for the hills! They're coming for your marijuana, birth control, abortions! Or something.
Dems: Not Ready to Fight
Dear Democratic Party, Are You Ready to Fight Yet More nonsense, and mostly projection. It's the Dems who run the nastiest campaigns. It was Dems who referred to Sarah Palin as the "Republicunt", and in ways even nastier. It was the Dems who insisted on dragging Palin's kids into the campaign, and still do to this very day. It was Dems who told those lies about how Mitt Romney killed a man's wife, and how Romney and Ryan were gonna push Granma off a cliff, and even showed it on television. It was Romney who declined to fight back, and acted way too apologetic over having worked for Bain Capital. It was John McCain who took the high road, refusing to use Obama's religion against him, and who never criticized his "spiritual mentor": The Rev Wright.
"It was remarkable how quickly Americans forgot the disaster of the Bush era, wars and near economic collapse. I remember so much talk that in 2008 that the Republicans were finished for the foreseeable future".
Blaming Bush again. WHUDDA SURPRISE