More Hopenchange

Nov 09, 2012 15:17

Obama won! Yeay! The reign of the old white males is over! News Week Featured it on their cover:

"GOP: You're old You're white You're history" -- that's what it says, and that's been the liberal wet dream all along. If only those old white men would hurry up and die, the Promised Land of sunshine, lollipops, gumdrops, and unicorn farts for all would materialize like a dream come true.

However, back here in the real world, elections have consequences: Mourning in America.

It also means a near immediate impact on the economy. With 20 or so new or higher taxes set to be implemented, ranging from a $123 billion surtax on investment income, through the $20 billion medical device tax, all the way down to the $600 million executive compensation limit, Obamacare will be a nearly unbearable tax burden on the economy.

The impact was immediate: the DJIA dropped like a rock beginning the day after.

Boston Scientific

In October of 2009, Boston Scientific CEO Ray Elliott, warned that proposed taxes in the health care reform bill could "lead to significant job losses" for his company. Nearly two years later, Elliott announced that the company would be cutting anywhere between 1,200 and 1,400 jobs, while simultaneously shifting investments and workers overseas - to China.

Good going there Lucemon! I thought all that outsourcing was Bush's fault! I guess we were wrong about that.

Massive new tax increases driving employment down? Whodathunkit?! This is what we have to look "FORWARD!" to: fewer jobs, fewer hours if you're lucky enough to still have a job, more part time work, less pay.

America, we tried to warn you, and you would not listen. OK, you made your choice, now choke on it. You have a long, bleak, four years to look FORWARD! to. Higher prices for everything: you didn't really believe corporations actually pay taxes did you? Well, you just might be that stupid. Less pay, lower standard of living. I might actually welcome it, but, unforch, I don't get a pass on your unintended consequences for having voted for Romney.

Oh, and Libbies: wishing does not make it so. Even if every last "old" (what's the definition of old anyway?) white male magically disappeared at the stroke of midnight, that would not change the truth one iota. Your idiot-ology does not work, it can not work, it has failed everywhere and every time it's been tried. With predictable results. Every. Time.

We are also in great danger: the Liberal idiot-ology has failed. That is already becoming painfully obvious and we're not even a week out from Election Day. Take another good look at that cover. It demonizes Republicans, and "old" white men. If only they would hurry up and die...

Do you see yet where this is going? When an idiot-ology is a proven failure, does the ideologue rethink his position? Does he decide to try something else? Or does he seek "enemies" who're gumming up the works? Enemies who need to be eliminated so the rest of us can move "FORWARD!" If you are old and white, will Obamacare™ be there for you? Or will you be looked upon as an unwanted burden who doesn't deserve to live for having held back "progress" your whole life with your hard working, Republican voting, ways?

  • Ukraine
  • Soviet Russia
  • Nazi Germany
  • Khmer Rouge Cambodia
  • Mao's China
  • North Korea
  • Castro's Cuba

The historical track record doesn't look like there's much hope after those countries got that kind of "change". Do you think these Libbies would be any different? If they truly are different, then ask yourself why a major mainstream news weekly that has been respected for decades would participate in the demonization and dehumanization of an entire demographic? First comes the demonization and dehumanization of your "enemy", then comes elimination. Why is News Week taking the first step along the road that leads to the same destination: Holodomor, Holocaust, the Killing Fields, the Armenian Genocide?

Where is that famous Liberal righteous anger over this cover, and the demonization that is all too self evident? Where's that famous Liberal "tolerance" now?


Of course, the Libbies will say that it's a "joke" and News Week made a "funny", and why don't you paranoid conservatives rent a sense of humour, yada, yada, yada. It's the same thing the Collective squawks like an aviary filled with parrots every time they get caught in a moment of unguarded candor. Just like that "No Pressure" vid where lefties depicted themselves as being in possession of a magical button that blew up everyone who dared to disagree with them.

If you believe that, then try this thought experiment: had Mitt Romney won, would News Week have dared to depict Romney as the new Washington under a tag line: "Dems: You're immature You're coloured You're failures" Can you imagine that? How would the Libbies react to that? What would they say when conservatives told them to calm down and rent a sense of humour? Would they accept that with the good graces they demand of conservatives every time they get caught with their guard down?

Yes, do invest in gold and silver for your future, but don't neglect those other yellow and white metals: brass and lead. Don't forget: the prelude to the Armenian Genocide was the confiscation of guns. That time, the pretense was that the Turkish Army needed more guns to fight. Being patriotic citizens, the Armenians and Greeks of Turkey donated their firearms to the cause. After they were thoroughly disarmed, then came the forced evacuations and the massacres began. There's a lesson in there for you.

Is The GOP Really History?

That tag line isn't even true: the GOP isn't "history". The reason the GOP screwed the pooch twice in a row now is due to the fact that the whole party is in thrall to an elite that is dedicated to politics as usual. This elite has interfered to thwart the efforts to nominate a real conservative, which Romney certainly was not: the record on Romney speaks volumes. The establishment elite treated the Ron Paul supporters and the TEA Party people like dirt, both at the state level, and at the Nat'l Convention. The elite chose for us yet another wishy-washy "moderate". Is it any wonder why, after being so disrespected, large numbers of conservatives simply did not vote in the Presidential? Why vote for "Democrat-Lite" when you can vote for the real thing? The GOP elite made their point: Paul supporters, TEA Party supporters: your help is not wanted. OK, they got the message: congrats -- you lose yet again. Had these GOP establishment types shown some respect for the Paul supporters, the Libertarians, the TEA Party, Mitt would have won. They would have shown up, voted in the hope that Romney would bend their way. They were given no such incentive, and the turn-out for Mitt was even lower than for McCain, or rather, Sarah Palin, who was the real spark plug of the 2008 campaign.

The establishment elite not only stood by passively, but was actually complicit in, the destruction of Sarah Palin. (Though, Palin wasn't entirely blameless: hosting a "reality TV" show does not lend one the gravitas for a presidential run.) Yet another future leading light of the GOP snuffed out prematurely.

The GOP has shown that it can win, and win big when it goes against the elite. Back in 1976, Ronald Reagan did the "unthinkable" -- he challenged an incumbent president in the Republican Primaries. He didn't succeed, of course, but he came pretty damned close. As a result, he built a movement that would propel him straight into the White House in a massive landslide election. Reagan would follow through with an even bigger one four years later.

In 1994, Newt Gingrich took a chance and rolled the dice. Gingrich took what would otherwise have been a routine mid-term election (1994) and made it into a national campaign with his "Contract for America". The GOP took both Houses of Congress, and would keep them until the 2006 elections. It, too, was a massive, and unexpected, win.

The TEA Party was a big part of the massive win in the 2010 mid-terms as well. When the GOP runs as a conservative party, they win. When it runs as a party of the establishment, it loses. Even in this current election, conservatism won, but it was running as a Democrat. Several freshman Dems will enter the Senate and House as Blue Dogs. Whether or not they stay that way remains to be seen.

The Republican Party didn't lose this election: the Republican't Establishment lost it for the GOP.

Addendum: Censorship at The Blaze

Three hours ago, I posted to The Blaze just what I said here. That post never appeared. This is Glenn Beck's website, and Beck describes himself as a "Libertarian". Beck is a liar and a fraud. He's in bed 100% with the GOP elite, as is the rest of "Faux Snooze". I have blacklisted The Blaze as garbage, and will no longer be receiving it, or anything else this poseur attempts to inflict on my inbox.

republicans, barack_obama, conservatives, 2012_elections

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