The recent shooting at a movie theatre in Colorado was bad enough. Now, it looks like we have a copy cat, this time in Wisconsin. This latest shooting occurred at the Sikh temple of Wisconsin, outside of Milwaukee.
Right from the get-go this is what we heard. The same predictable nonsense: it was somehow the fault of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, FOX News, and now Michelle Bachmann. It would seem the latter is somehow responsible for calling for investigations into the possible infiltration of members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Blame everyone/anyone but for the criminal whacko who actually pulled the trigger and murdered those people.
As for the criminal, he's white, he had tats, was ex-military -- everything Janet's Dept. of FatherHomeland Security's been telling us are the "terrorists" we need to be most afraid of. As for what motivated the criminal, we have no idea. But that doesn't matter, as facts are irrelevant to The Narrative anyway.
The left makes much over the fact that the criminal might have been a neo-Nazi, so, of course, this was by extension the responsibility of the TEA Party, though there has been no violence during TEA Party rallies, and no arrests.
Many racialists are unsure about, and even against, these Occupy Wall Street protests all around the country. It has been pointed out to me that many protesters are non-white and/or "ccommunists" Well my answer to that is:"WHO CARES?" They are against the same evil, corrupted, degenerate capitalist elitists that WE are against! Instead of screaming, "6 million more!" The pro-white movementites should be JOINING this Occupy movement and supporting it!
Seriously people, just WHO is our enemy? The unemployed left-wing 25-year-old holding up a sign, OR the judeo-capitalist banksters who swindled the American taxpayers out of A TRILLION dollars in the "bailout" scam AND continue to oppress the White Working Class?!? Even Adolf Hitler's NSDAP [National Socialist German Workers' Party] had to vote with open communists on some issues to achieve their goals. WE need to utilize and support every movement of dissent against this evil American empire, regardless of which end of the political spectrum it originates from.
The 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement
Statement from the American Nazi Party There are those facts, this time straight from the American Nazi Party itself, getting in the way again. The ANP sees "Occupy" as its natural allies, the ANP which would approve of what this asshole did, not the TEA Party which is for everything they are against. They said so themselves.
Once again, leftists are squeeing their britches and seeing this horrible atrocity caused by a deeply disturbed individual as an opportunity to smear anyone who would dare to oppose them, their misguided ideology, and their Dear Leader, not a tragedy.