Here is Stephen Lerner of the SEIU at the latest Progressive Summit. The progs didn't get what they wanted from Lucemon, We the People remain stubbornly resistant to their socialistic visions, and now sensing that they will not carry the day come 2012, they are beginning to act like a wounded and cornered animal. That is to say, very dangerously.
Here, it all comes out: the leftoid actually admits that it's all about power with them. Lerner tells us that he has given up on "intellectual arguments" -- that they have given up on the ballot box to get their way. So what does that leave? Power to do what? That's something I don't think anyone wants to find out first hand.
Click to view
(Here's the link to You Tube, in case the embed isn't working: http(COLON)// ) It is obvious that these people are going way too far. It is high time that this SEIU gets "RICO-ed". There is more than enough evidence for that right here. (Of course, that will never happen with this current bunch in control of the Executive Branch.) This is the outright advocating of criminal behaviour. Notice that he's targeting this message to "students". That means college boys -- a group not noted for either smarts or common sense. Is he going to tell them when they pour into the streets from their queer studies, and gender studies, or whatever Communist indoctrination Humanities classes they are required to take, that when the cops deploy they mean business? This dubious advice is likely to get someone killed. You can be sure of one thing: Lerner isn't going to be on the front lines. No more than you will see one of these mullahs actually strapping on a bomb vest. It's always the peons, the useful idiots, the expendable Little People on the front lines. It never fails.
Do you think the MsM will be reporting on the proceedings of this Progressive Summit?
And to think the left has been accusing the Tea Party (and FOX and Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly) of fomenting violence! Want to find out what a Liberal is really thinking? Just listen to the accusations made against conservatives.
Between now and Election Day, 2012, things are going to get... interesting.