Just Whose Side Are They On Anyway?

Sep 02, 2010 14:25

Last weekend, Glenn Beck hosted his apolitical get-together in Washington, DC. The folks who attended pretty much respected Beck's request to leave the political signage at home. Was that good enough? Of course not: just another chance for the left wingnuts to engage in more Beck-bashing. That's expected.

If there was any doubt as to where the faux conservative, neo-"con" columnnist and pundit, Kathleen Parker, stands, this article removes all doubt: My name is Glenn Beck, and I need help.

Despite all the words spilled in evaluating Glenn Beck's tent-less revival last weekend, the real meaning may have been hiding in plain sight.

Beck's "Restoring Honor" gathering on the Mall was right out of the Alcoholics Anonymous playbook. It was a 12-step program distilled to a few key words, all lifted from a prayer delivered from the Lincoln Memorial: healing, recovery and restoration.

No, you stupid bitch, Beck's rally had nothing to do with AA, or their Twelve Steps, or anything else AA and its off shoots deal with. This is just another excuse to remind us that, years ago, Mr. Beck drank more booze than was probably good for him. He is hardly alone in that regard. Since we're comparing bad habits, how about you tell us about Mr. Obama and his weakness for nose candy? How about pointing out that Obama looked stoked to the gills during one of his debates with McCain? I'm pretty sure Beck isn't drinking, although I have no idea whether AA had anything to do with that.

Any cursory search of Beck quotes also reveals the language of the addict:

-- "It is still morning in America. It just happens to be kind of a head-pounding, hung-over, vomiting-for-four-hours kind of morning in America."

-- "I have not heard people in the Republican Party yet admit that they have a problem."

-- "You know, we all have our inner demons. I, for one -- I can't speak for you, but I'm on the verge of moral collapse at any time. It can happen by the end of the show."

Bullshit! Beck isn't the first -- nor will he be the last -- to invoke this sort of imagery. It's quite common, even amoung tea-totalers and it always has been. This is just random quotes that mean nothing. I still don't see anything here that could be attributed to AA specifically.

Like other successful revivalists -- and giving the devil his due -- Beck is right about many things. Tens of thousands joined him in Washington and watch him each night on television for a reason. But he also is messianic and betrays the grandiosity of the addict.

Let's hope Glenn gets well soon.

I'm pretty sure Beck doesn't need to "get well". This whole article is nothing more than one protracted ad hominem masquerading as political analysis.

Those who do not recover are those who can not or will not give themselves to this simple program, usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault; they seem to have been born that way. They are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty. (Alcoholics Anonymous; Wilson, William G.; 1976. p. 58)

Kathleen, better steer well clear of the sauce. If you get yourself hooked, you will be so screwed. Of course, this comes as no surprise since it was Parker who viciously attacked Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign in terms little different than those of the most rabid whackos ever to have posted to the Daily KooksKos, and who hasn't let up since. Parker demonstrates, once again, that there is no difference between these "new conservatives" and "old liberals".

More Predictable Leftard BS

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Oh looky! Out of a crowd of ~100,000 these leftards found a handful of unattractive, Caucasian, morons who haven't yet learned to keep their damn mouths shut when some asshole shoves a microphone in their faces.

Of course, they won't tell you how much video they edited out from those who gave intelligent answers to their leading questions. Looks like it isn't just neo-"cons" who are incapable of rigorous honesty.

left_wingnuts, politics, glenn_beck, neocons

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