
Jan 18, 2003 22:05

The 1980s Survey

Snap bracelets were always getting you in trouble at school: only when I hit people with them.I remember when they were banned from Decker....it wasent kool.
You ever wrote with a Squiggle Writer Pen: Still do

You played with "My Little Ponies": Naw.....didnt really like em

You've ever read The Boxcar Children, The Babysitters Club or Sweet Valley High:Read one boxcar......Still have a sweet valley and Owned the whole babysitters club set.
You know all the words to "Ice Ice Baby": not all of them

You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members: nope
You remember the New Kids On The Block: I had the bed sheets.....and everything

You wanted to be on Star Search: I pretended i was all the time

You wore one of those t-shirt rings or a scrunchi on one side of your shirt:hahah yea

The Cosby Show, Alf, or Out of This World was prime time television: Im still addicted to the cosby show.....I watch alf 24/7 and i dont really member out of this world

You were upset when She-ra, Princess of Power, and He-Man cancelled: No those shows were gay

You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for endless hours, back when they were new episodes: Yea....I must admit...i had a crush on Zack morris

You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock: Are you kidding me...i have tapes of a shit load of episodes of fraggle rock. "Throw your cares away...worries for another day just let the music play....down in fraggle rock"

You remember Madonna in her cone stage:good times

You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince.": Yea....god i hated him

You remember M.C. Hammer: yea

You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Bel Air": Now this is a story all about how my life got switched turned up-side-down and id like to take min. so just sit right there ill tell ya how i became the prince of a town called bel air.::forgot:: Just shootin some b-ball outside off the school, when a couple of guy that were up to no good. Started making trouble round my neighborhood. I got in one lil fight and my mom got scred and said "your movin with you uncle and aunt in bel air" i went up to the cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and there were dice in the mirror....::forgot:: but i thought man forget it YO HO THE BEL AIR! I pulled up to house of bel 708 and i yelled to the cabin YO HOMIE SMELL YA LATER! looked at my kingdom i was finally there....the seat of my thrown as the prince of bel air.........HEY at least i knew MOST of it. lol.

How many of you can recite the theme to Ducktales?: Duck Tales Woooo ooooo do do do do do do do do DUCK TALES woo ooo!....dont really knwo the words.....but that shows still on.

You own any cassettes: Yeap

You owned a pair of L.A. Gear, Keds, or Converse tennis shoes: I had 2 pairs of the ones with the lights on the bottom.....Sexy

My Little Pony, Gummy Bears, KIDS Incorporated, Captian Kangroo, Double Dare, and Hey Dude are familiar to you: yes yes no yes yes YES

Gummy Bears: Naw...that was my sisters...
KIDS Incorporated: Noperz
Captain Kangaroo: Nah
Double Dare: Watched it a few times.
Hey Dude: Hold shit i loved that show.i had the biggest crush on the blonde kid.

Do Polly Pockets or Popples ring a bell?: Polly pockets....My room had wall-to-wall polly pocket schtuff.......i loved it.

Big wheels and bicycles with streamers were the way to go: Yea....A bike without streamers were like cake without ice cream.

You stayed up all night listening to Teddy Rupskin: Noperz

Can we say Trapper Keeper?: Fuck yea!

Can you tell you how to get to Sesame Street? Actually i cant......but ask Elmo....hes awsome.

You wanted to be on the GLADIATORS!!! I watched it all the time with my dad, i still have a tape of it lying around somewhere.

You still have a crimper in your bathroom drawer: actually....no

You remember singing Amy Grants "Baby, Baby": Yea...lol....those were good times.

You watched orginal episodes of the Muppet Show: Yea....I loved it...it was part of my life

You remember when rollerblades were the new thing: i HATED them

You felt like a big girl when your mom bought you GIRL TALK: I played that with kate.......fake zits and all!

You used to wear bright pink slip-ons and jelly shoes: thats like all i owned.

Inspector Gadget was part of your daily ritual: Hell yes.

Pee Wee's Play House? Watched it whenever i could.

Fanny Packs?: I had a Mickey and minnie one. and a princess one.

You can remember when your "Kid Sister, Kid Sister" seemed so tall? Huh?

Did you keep your hot pink lipstick in a caboodle? Omg Caboodles!!!!!!! i miss those. I think my sister still has one.

You could not get enough hair spray on those bangs: I didnt have any...
How many trolls did you have? 20....i stole them from my sister.

Does "Heros in a half shell" mean anything to you? Ninja turtles rock my world

Everything was rad, totally awesome, and tubular!!! Hell yes

You remember when the original Nintendo was the best $100 you could spend: Yea....my mom took it away tho...

You owned a Hollywood Hair Barbie. No but im sure i owned all of the other ones ver created.

You loved to play with your glow-in-the-dark plastic jewelry. Omg i had soooo much of that shit. I went to all of these circuses and carnivals and stuff.......good times

You remember when there was no Barney. FUCK NO! are you kidding me? Barney was my life.

You can name all the ninja turtles and all the first and last names of the characters from Saved By the Bell: Ninja turtles yes.....Saved by the bell....ZACK MORRIS IS MY LOVE SLAVE!

Your barbie house was the one made of cardboard and had a plastic elavator: No MY barbie house was made out of wood and had steps!
Punky Bruister -- Hey ive had that screen name beofore!!!
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