by monday I'll be overdrawn on lust for life

Jul 18, 2006 00:31

And I'll donate my eyes to the love blind, give someone a chance to see rejection of another kind...."
STN 'fashion and compromise'

SO tonite was so close to being beautiful. So close.

I met someone rather exquisite. And still smell like her perfume, it's kind of an odd thing to get used to. But that's fine by me.

I sang so hard at practice tonight I almost puked I was coughing to hard by "Hollywood Ending", and sweating, and feeling wonderful, like this can go somewhere, this CAN go somewhere. It has to.

I spent hours wandering around the west side with Lofn, it's always funny to meet someone I can talk to so easily, most girls are awkward conversation, but it looks like there have been many points when we've lived a virtually parallel life, strange, no? I don't think that's ever happened before, aparently her best friend at home is my twin lol. I hope we never meet, so I don't die.

Clambering into my car to drive home, the first thing that started up on my ipod was Oshun...It's been AT LEAST a year and a half since I've listened to that song. The first ten seconds of it played before the song changed on it's disappointing. I got to "So shut me up with a....wait up like I-" and it decided the song was over.

My hero called today. I was at the mall, the one place in the continental US where my phone doesn't work. I have no idea what he said to me. I walked out of JC Penny flustered, and bitter, walked straight passed Wes, and every single mall employee I know. I didn't even stop to see Mikee. I don't know what happened to Nolan, Grant is doesn't know how to make phone calls. I just didn't want to see anyone. I bought a few shirts for school. I left, feeling to stupid. So very stupid. Yeah, Wes is good looking. He's also psychotic, I can't let myself forget that. Ever. He's the reason I don't answer my phone. He's the reason I don't wear my Leah shirts.

In other news, I need to put more security settings on here aparently. This is so stupid I can't even describe. If you don't want to know what I think about you, or your decisions, then don't hack your way into my life. Stay out of it, stay blocked from all my accounts like I had you before. fuck off. Live your own life, I'm not a part of it, I don't want to be your friend, your lost love, your enemy, your ANYTHING, pretend I don't exist, pretend I never happened to you. Add the poison in my veins quote, stop feeling sorry for yourself. In case you missed the memo...You broke up with me, and that's where we left off.

*sigh* I may be signing off as Downcast, it's been my alias for almost over 5 years now. Here's to moving on, to cutting off my bracelets and sprouting bat wings. I can't even listen to that song anymore, I guess it's not my name to claim any longer. I bid you Adieu`
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