Nov 05, 2008 00:36
I went out really early to vote in the presidential election today. I voted as a New Hampshire resident because that's where I go to school but also because would much rather make a difference in a swing state rather than Massachusetts, which always votes democrat. My day was really busy and I got wrapped up in the million of things that I had to do today. At night, on the two hour group ride at the Whitt, I didn't really talk to anyone because I was really nervous about the outcome. Finally after going to the library and not getting anything done, I went to my friend Jacki's room to study for our exam tomorrow. In the middle of it around 11:30PM Annie ran in and said, "HE WON!" We turned on the TV and almost instantly we could hear people outside screaming and cheering and lighting off firecrackers. We tried to get our work done, but I was so anxious to just be out there. So I said I had to go and I ran upstairs to Becky and Annie and we went outside to the quad and an endless train of people was walking by. People were sitting, standing, and dancing on benches and playing improv Obama songs on guitar. I heard an Against Me! song in the distance and sang along. We went inside to get some warm clothes and then took a short cut through the woods and followed the sounds of the cheering of the crowd. Finally we got to the Thompson Hall lawn where hundreds of hundreds of kids were gathered. Laughing, hugging, cheering, chanting.
I now have the optimism that my environmental science professor has in our generation.