^^^I was bored. -___-
So Saturday I decided to head off to the IAFC show in Bayshore after band practice. Practice didn't happen because no one showed up, so i just chilled at Mo's for a while. At like 7:30PM, I get a ride to Gabe's and chill wit Chris and Gabe till Binder and Romina got there to give us all a ride to the show. We hop in and head out to get Danny. He gets in drunk and with his friend Issac. Then we head out. It's a pretty fun ride there, but we got lost when we were close by to the venue. Binder took a wrong turn and we started driving aimlessly to get back to where we had to go.
At one point, Binder pulls a legal U-turn to go in the direction we have to so we can finally get to the place. But as we turned, a speeding car merged into our lane and didnt have time to stop fully. He braked and hit us from behind. He hit the back right side of the van, and we barely felt that shit. Binder's car is made of pure metal (no plastic siding shit like today's cars since his van is a 1987 model). The other guy felt it though. His side rear view mirror came off, his driver side door handle came off, and his door was dented inwards. All we got was a broken tail light and a dent the size of maybe my foot.
After wondering what the fuck happened, we realize we just got into a car accident. We pull to the side and the cops come. Paper work and inspections are dealt with and we finnaly decide to head to the show. We try to find it, but we get lost again. We finally just go home.
The rest of the night was spent at Gabe's with Chris and some of their friends, jamming to IAFC songs and chillen.
So today marked the beginning of the filming process for 'THE ROCK FROM URANUS'. So far, so good, I must say. The film itself is VERY low budget, but the story line is very solid and the jokes are pretty funny. I think the finished product will be very good and people might actually like it. We film more tommorrow. :)
After a long day of filming, I headed to work from 6:00PM to 10:00 PM. When I got out, I got the BEST surprise EVER.
Lyra came to get me from work and to hang out for a bit. :D
She was supposed to go to Maspeth to see her friend and saty over for the night, but she decided to not go and she came and saw me after chillen with some friends. It was greta seeing her after such a long day, and especiialy because I didn't think I'd see her at all today. :)
I called Danny and him, Scott, and Ilone, came in Scott's car and got me and Lyra. I stopped home and got changed and we drove around for a good hour or so. We visited our friend Erica at work in Floral Park and then came back.
I got home early and just talked to Lyra till she had to go.
Today was a pretty good day. :)
Tommmorrow it's breakfast at 10:00AM with Lyra and taking her to work, then filming with Danny and Todd till 5:00PM.
After that it's off to ASOB @ The Downtown with Lyra. Gunna be great, and I can't wait. :D