hayden is 4 months old and he is as of 8/14 16lbs 3oz and 25.5". he is drinking as of a couple days ago 7oz i don't know how many hours 'cos i haven't been around. he also started rice for breakfast. he finally has a crib (he was sleeping in a playpen) w/ this stuff. i'd take a picture but iuno where my sister's camera is. i started mercer on monday for ~adminstrative professional~ it seems pretty easy except the math because he goes too fast, and the homework for his class is too easy so i'm not getting enough practice, the problems are practice problems like they give you an example then you solve, so there's like 5-10 every section. i'd rather do the excerises there are 50ish problems every section. in business it's kind confusing but it seems easyish. reading is what high school english was like, we have to read a story for homework and answer like 5 questions about it and also do vocab. then the next class we discuss the story with our assigned groups. then we do vocab and some stuff from the ctricital thinking book. for homework for tuesday night we read a story about helen keller... does that make any sense? english we are writing debates. in class yesterday we debating if smokers rights are being violated and we won. the only thing that isn't being violated kind of in my opinion though is not being able to smoke in restaurants, etc. if the owner doesn't people smoking in his whatever, then that's okay, but if the government says we can't, that's different. i also work 8 hours a week in the learning center for work study. and because of school and work that's why i haven't been around my haibayy. kenny doesn't work so he watches him, and i guess now it's kind of stupid for hayden to be going to 'school' (he starts tuesday) but whatever. here are some pictures