soo. life is okay. hayden is doing great. his last doctors appointment he weighed 11lb 12oz and he was 22.5", both in the 50th precentile. he is being so cute, smiling and eating his hands and stuff. he takes 5.5oz every 4-5 hours.
things between me and kenny are just ugh. he makes me so mad! lying about his drinking. and like not doing stuff with hayden like singing and playing and reading to him. but other than that it's okay.
for dyfs i have to do a drug program 2 days a week -- one day one on one and one day group. ANDDD kenny also has to go for alcohol treatment and get a psych evaluation! yay! lol but i need to get one too... yeah i also think it's stupid they said i need parenting help and like the two people who we've went to seem so dumb! like one of the ladies says we shouldn't put him to sleep w/ his bink 'cos he'll get addicted to it (duh! that's what weaning is for) even though the AAP recommends it 'cos it reduces the risk of SIDS. another one said something and i am so dumb i forgot even though i remembered what it was right before i started writing the first one. oh well. i just think it's dumb because kenny and i should be able to parent the way we want to and not someone else's rules. like just because we are young does not mean anything! what makes you think a 25 y/o mom is a better parent than i am just because of that? and what makes you think we're gonna be bad parents because we used drugs? there are some smart addicts! just because you do dumb things doesn't mean you do all things dumb ya know? another dyfs guy said being a user effects being able to work and learn... did it do that for me? no! i was just lazy. i didn't even go to work high because i knew i wouldn't be able to even stand up.
but anyways. i'm gonna be going to mercer in august yeah! the good thing about being a single unemployed mom is that you get tons of financial aid! i am recieving $7,310 for the fall and spring semester. i am going for adminstrative professional. also i had a job interview at kmart on tuesday. i am hired if my backround check is good. it's $7.50/hr as a cashier but it's money ya know. also it'll only be i think 15 hours a week. i also think i am going to tell her that it can only be 'til school starts since i will be working at mercer as well -- i got a work study grant and even though i don't have to work, i would like to because it's experience right? that's only $7.15/hr and i don't know if it goes to me or the government but yeah.
i think that is it and i will leave you w/ pictures..