[*Familiar sound of a bzzzzap!!! Jon curses as he speaks into the mic- from the sounds around him, it a bit obvious that he is outside. Not on purpose mind you*]
Bloody little thing...suppose I should take my own advice, ay? Well...since I'm on! Does anyone from Thursday remember what happened to the cards after...
[*there's a rather long pause before Jon laughs rather nervously.*]
Well...i-it's...rather nice to see that, my luck is as it should be...or well I don't think I want my luck to return....YAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!
[*The com is dropped and there's the sound of Jon running before he is tripped and falls with a rather loud thud onto the ground. He groans and the com shows him turning over and looking up at something with wide eyes. He swallows visibly before scrambling away. He runs off screen, but his ensuing scream pretty much confirms that he didn't exactly get away.*]
((Otay so Jon was attacked by Syaoran and is very beat up. He has no awesome blocking skills and fails.))