Five Shabti

Apr 03, 2009 19:22


[*Sound of a bzzzt-- follwed by a small rant of colorful language going from one to the other. Settles on English*]

What on God's Earth was that?! This bloody little box just...shocked me. My bad hand too- ah...

Well since I'm on this wretched thing, may as well give a heads-up on all what's going on. Sec..

[*sounds of fumbling before he switches to Text*]


So it seems I've managed to get permission for a Thursday night card gathering at The Northern Lights. So far it seems it will probably be simple games like Poker and Black Jack. We get more people, I may train a few for something harder.

Anyways, rules are simple- no cheating, no hiting, no killing. Bring things to bet with (food, clothing in good condition, alchohol) and as a courtesy I'll give 10% of the house *myself* winnings to Shinji as a sort of rent. You are all quite welcome to donate as well.

Seeing as this is gambling and possibly drinking involved; no little ones all right? 17 and over only.

jonny got a shock, fun times, ow my arm, cards please, shocked

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