(no subject)

Jul 17, 2005 22:49

Last cigarrete: none
Last car ride: umm about an hour ago!!
Last good cry: umm about an hour ago ( drama filled car ride ) !!
Last movie seen: War of The Worlds, Cabin by the Lake ( amazing moviess )
Last beverage: Diet Dr. Thunder ( ghetto generic )
Last food consumed: mrs field cookieee! haha like the only thing i've eaten all day
Last crush: umm, i'm still kind of stuck in some stupid ass fantasy relationship thing
Last phone call: ummm, 2 minutes ago w/ my brother
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: none, all day
Last items bought: ummm lets see -- ohh yeah, blush from walgreens
Last disappointment: i hate complaining..
Last shirt worn: umm the one i'm wearing now american eagle, 3 layered shirt.
Last word/s you said: haha convo w/ anna, shes right next to me, about the clothes we're wearing.

What color socks are you wearing? nada
What's under your bed? no idea, should prob. check that out sometime soon
What time did you wake up today? ummm 11:30

Who do you want to live with? my husband, serious bf
Where are you going to live? umm the fuck out of naperville
How many kids do you want? one
What kind of car(s): ummm Lexus or Murano, orrr Pimped out van haha j/k

Current mood: happy cuz my bestest friend is here
Current music: ummmm the waiting game/plain white t's/relient k
Current hair: fucked up pony tail
Current clothes: american eagle clothes, pj bottoms, anddd yah.
Current annoyance(s): my mom at the moment
current desktop picture: ummm Steve Mast ( the band member i kno from The Waiting Game/Plain White T's)
Current book: ummm The Glass House People ( creepy book )
Nervous Habits? Nail Biting, Shaking
Are you double jointed? nooo
Can you roll your tongue? nooo
Can you raise one eyebrow? noo
Can you blow spit bubbles? yess!
Can you cross your eyes? yess!
Tattoos? noo - but will have one eventually
Piercings? yess - ears
Do you make your bed daily? no, my mom does, i'm one lucky bitch BUT IM NOT SPOILED

Which shoe goes on first? um sry guys, i dont pay attention to what shoe goes on first
Favorite piece of clothing? bottoms ( jeans )

Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? neither, i just eat it- whatever follows
Have you ever eaten Spam? no - dont plan on it
Favorite ice cream flavor? nope - dont really like it, white chocolate mousse ( 96 % fat free ) haha from TCBY
How many kinds cereal are in your cabinet? umm like 29834 my brothers obsessed!
What's your favorite beverage? Dr Pepper, Raspberry Ice Tea, or water
What's your favorite restaurant? ummm Superosa, Alguiers, Jimmy Jons!

How often do you brush your teeth? 2wice a day
What is your hair drying method? umm blow drying it, i have really thin hair so it takes literally about 2 minutes
Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? yeah - bright red, and brown
Do you swear? um fuck no. why the hell would i do that?
Do you ever spit? uhh sumtimes, not like in front of people, but if theres like a nasty taste in my mouth i have to.. but i try my hardest to cover it

Animal? Monkey
Food? uh...my dads recipe of Chicken Pasta Gardinare ( sp? )
Month? January/December - Winter
Day? Last/First day of school
Favorite Cartoon Character? ummm i hate cartoons, some orignals are ok
You cook your own dinner: yeah - sometimes

Your parents still give you money for things: yeah, but we're far from spoiled over hur.
You walk around barefoot indoors most of the time: yes - and outside 2
Your first car was new: ??
You're completely broke right now: nope, actually still ok from graduation/b-day
You spend your money wisely: depends

haha wudda ya think ya'll

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