Avocado Festival

Apr 19, 2005 09:33

the avocado festival is always a great delight huh?

i dont think ive had a better time there, ever.

Met up with jordan and the boys, then my moms filipeano friend thought that jordan was my boyfriend.  and i told her he wasnt.  she really insisted that he was until she saw three other boys behind him (stan nathan and matt)..

"oooo which of those three's ur boyfriend?" 
"no! no boyfriend!  i dont like boys! they're  icky!"
"no..? no boyfriend? but u had a boyfriend last time i saw you?"
"no mrs d.  that was last halloween, like two years ago,"
"oohhh, i seee...so which is your boyfriend?" 

i watched the spinny ride, go in circles...hah three bucks is worth that much spinning eh?  well i could do that on my own.  thank you very much.  i was hungry, people got annoyed, i bought food, it was groossooo..a disgrace to asians..how emberassed i was !!!!  i fed it to matty, he liked it.

Shelby shelby shelby, what can i say? you have to be the biggest idiot ive ever met in my whole life.  thats all i have to say for now.

i see a bucket full of paracells, those little chinese umbrellas, so shelby and i whip them out.  i start swinging it around...not alot just a little, and i started to say something and then WHACK! i hit some little kid in the back of the head, i swear! he came out of nowhere!!!  i felt like suchan idiot because i was about to say "hey shelby! buy me one of these things! i could it my sister over the head with them!"  yet i already hit some other kid with it, and i didnt even buy it yet, so i just got scared put it down and walked away, then shelby looked back at the kid, and it ends up it was Jacob Robinsons brother.   oh boy...

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