Dec 21, 2003 04:04
Ohhh, tonight was AWESOME. I'm so happy right now ^_^ Sam, Eric's female, hooked me up with her friend Heather. She is sooo sooo sooo cool, and cute. OMG. I can't stress it enough. Though when I first met her she punched me in the stomach. This was because Eric and I were uber-late... It wasn't my fault though, well it kinda was. I took out a tree w/ Eric's Bonneville. That didn't stop Eric and I, no way. We were going to continue the night, and go on our dates! But go figure, 5 minutes later in Argentine, I get pulled over!!! The officer was really cool though, no tickets or anything, didn't give me crap about me driving Eric's car. And so after he sent me on my way, we continued onto our destination. Where I got the swift punch to the gut. And verbal abuse from Sam. Went and saw LOTR, it was cool, especially 'cause I had someone to cuddle with ^_^. Though Eric and Sam were constantly looking over at us :P
Meh, whatever, all in all, the night was awesome. Eric's mom was cool w/ the dent, so long as we were ok. ^_^ Though dammit, i left my DVDs in Eric's car.... blast...