(no subject)

Jun 03, 2005 18:29

Well, yet again it's friday, and I think everyone is feeling like total shit.
Going to town tomorrow, woopdefuckingwoop. To do what? Well to do what I do every saturday, sit on a fucking hill and get pissed. At least Tony (Derek) is coming and has given me permission to draw on him. *Muahaha* 
Bit of a change from the normal, Jess is hopefully coming round mine and stopping, which, will be great.

Makes me oh so much more positive about school when Jess is leaving. =(

It's entries like this that make me want to delete my journal. Guuahh, well, today, I went to town in Telford with Simon. 'The Joy' To be fair it was a total waste of time. Mainly went around bloody games shops with Sye. I have nothing against games, but going into about 6 different shops that all happened to stock the same games, oh at the exact fucking same price, did bore me.

Eeh. I'm in an uber bad mood, so I apologise now about this entry. At about 2.00pm Sye and I decided to go to the courts, see who was down.. PJ was there, so I ran off. <..Jenn you know..> Being as we were by a carpark *shudders*, I did think it was best.

Currently, I'm anticipating a phone call off Joel, and then one off Jess. My cousin is staying with us for a week.. He's.. odd.

Everything has changed in the last week. And it's a stupid sudden change too.

Cannot be bothered to write anymore.

Love Kate x

ps : sorry i was moody round your house Jenn =| * hearts*
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