Okay, emotionally it looks like I have managed to get myself back on an even keel, managed to calm, let go of my stress and carry on with life again. And yes, I am still pregnant. So anyways I thought I would update.
Coming up:
1: my vegetables!
2: ow ow ow!
3: my grandfather.
So fun stuff first!
Item 1: my vegetables
The Magic Rat asked me for piccies so I got up off my bum (painfully and slowly, all will be explained later in item two) and took some. That was partly as I was potting plants again (three more courgette plants came in the mail today and needed pots to live in) and it was time to water most things etc etc, and I needed something to do with my day. So without further ado a bit of a tour round my veggies. The following tour will not include the potatoes, garlics or onions as they would be pictures of brown dirt as they have not yet sprouted which is normal and would be very boring. And the fruit is not included either as I'll do pictures of that when that starts to do something interesting.
Peppers indoors (yellow of the left green on the right):
Mushroom Farm:
Teeny greenhouse thing (gets like the tropics in there, I wanna move in!):
Contents of greenhouse thing:
There is only one lone marrow, but it looks so like the courgettes it got its own label. I have two different sizes of courgette plants too, three big and five small.
That little lot is keeping me and my husband rather busy and with any luck, will feed us later on. Well we are having fun trying anyway. We shall see how it all goes.
Item two: ow ow ow!
Okay, last night I really, really, really wanted to know what was wrong with karma. I had spent the day stocking up the house with bits we needed, cleaning, had tea with my neighbour (and nearly stole her child because the little munchkin is too cute and cuddly and mine is staying firmly put the little rascal), made a roast dinner for hubby's return from work, AND a pasta back for the left over vegetables to go into including home made sauce none of this packet rubbish. Really looked after everything that possibly could be looked after.
Now I know that you are supposed to take it easy at this very late stage in pregnancy, lord don't I know how hard it is to get around anywhere, I don't walk, I waddle. Karma saw fit to it that I have to rest up seriously for at least today if not the next few days. I was merely cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, dealing with the washing up when life decides to deal some blunt force trauma out to my toes. I present exhibit a, the ringed toes on the right:
Did it hurt I hear you ask? Hubby came running when every swear word I know (and I know a lot, in several languages) was suddenly yelled from the kitchen. And it bled... how I don't know but never mind. Never mind that no self respecting toe in existence has any business being THAT colour (and the picture does not do this justice let me tell you!) but nothing is broken. But I can barely walk, I hobble and just about manage to go on my trips to the loo (I'm pregnant, there are many), get supplies, and because they rely on me, water the plants. Otherwise I sit here with them throbbing, and generally sulking.
Item Three: my grandfather
Well he's got himself in a world of bother with everyone after his recent behavior. But he is so weak it looks like he is going to be stuck in hospital for the best part of a fortnight. He's gone down practically to a barely mobile skeleton, skin and bones. But at least I can talk to him now as I have the ward phone number. And by all accounts it looks like he is going to remain there till at least after baby is born, even if I have to be induced. Its reassuring as he is on a permanent drip so is getting his fluids and electrolytes, but even better, he is beginning to eat and drink again. Its not much, it really isn't but its a start after his stupidity of late. How long he remains in hospital will depend on how he eats and builds up strength. I've not had it confirmed yet, but I am pretty sure that the decision has been made for him to go into a home for at least a spell when he is discharged, just until he is fully well again, something that depends on him really.
He is going to hate it, but he simply cannot be trusted as he is right now. I am glad my uncle is on the scene as it means that both he and mum are making decisions together, and I get some contact (be it long distance) with my uncle too round the time of my chold's birth, so he can at least get pictures of his great-nephew. That's something nice out of all of this. Its also meant I have been able to get the low down on what is happening with my cousins. One of which I am mighty jealous of. He's off in South Korea teaching english as a foreign language and earning well on it, and plans to move to Japan soon to do the same. But its all well and good for a batchelor like Ben to do that, but when you want a family its a lot to cart everyone around and uproot them.
My other cousin Trevor has brought his family over from America, (married a lovely lady out there when he was living with his mum for a while) and has a gorgeous son with another babe on the way. He's joined the RAF just like his dad (my uncle) did and is doing well. Its all these positives I am focussing on now, that and my little family who is currently asleep and not hiccuping for a change. If only I could get the little mite to join us on the outside.
But I have got my act together. Its been an emotional week to say the least, but I am feeling okay with everything again which is the important bit. So until I have something more interesting to report, I am back to my usual. Take care guys.
PS, send your best wishes to
vampyre_demise I haven't heard otherwise so I believe she is being induced today and is having her baby boy. I hope it all goes well hon!