A Matter of Choice: Chapter 29

Dec 14, 2008 13:57

And a second installment of this, then I think I will add one of Redemption and that will do with the ficcage today. Its still more caught up than I was, just trying not to kill f-lists too much. Which I could easily do, honest!

Prologue; Ch 1: Lord Wirrnächte; Ch 2: The Waiting…; Ch 3: First Blood; Ch 4: Loathing; Ch 5: Awakening; Ch 6: Transitions; Ch 7: Full of Life; Ch 8: Dark Secret; Ch 9:Willingly Taken; Ch 10: Confessions; Ch 11: All Good Things Come to an End; Ch 12: A New Companion; Ch 13: The Seeds of Change ; Ch 14: Portentous Milestones ; Ch 15: Disturbing Events; Ch 16: One Fateful Night; Ch 17: The Truth; Ch 18: Facing The Odds; Ch 19: Reaching For A Chance; Ch 20: The Hardest Kindness; Ch 21: Time To Run; Ch 22: The Hunter and the Hunted; Ch 23: The Harsh Taste of Reality ; Ch 24: Its All About Being Prepared ; Ch 25: And So It Begins; Ch 26: Sinking Deeper; Ch 27: Underestimating Mortality; Ch 28: On the Brink

Being Watched…

The next day Doctor Newman joined the surgeon as he went on his rounds on the High Dependency ward. Tegan looked so small in the bed, but nevertheless she had survived the night and was sleeping off the sedatives. They checked the charts of her progress through the night.

“Well,” The surgeon said, “It’s a miracle, but she’s made it and she’s starting to recover well.”

“Very well.” Doctor Newman agreed.

His colleague checked the respirator.

“We can take her off this I think. She seems to be breathing okay now. Would you like to do the honours?”

“Sure.” Doctor Newman replied.

He pulled on a pair of gloves before turning off the machine. He rotated her head gently and disconnected the tubes. Gently he eased the tube out of her throat, Tegan coughing as it irritated her airway. She panted for breath for a moment before sighing and settling into a drug fuelled sleep, completely unaware of what had just happened.

“There, that’s better I think.” The surgeon smiled softly.

“I can’t believe how well she’s done.” Dr Newman replied.

“The police will want to talk to her once she wakes up.”

“I hope she can tell them something. A man like that shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets.”

“I’ll tell the nurses to inform us once she wakes up.”

With that they started to head away to their next patient, Doctor Newman looking back at her one last time before she was left alone in the swirling dark behind her eyes.

* * * * *

Tegan was aware of pain. It heated up her left side. She tried to swallow with difficulty, finding her mouth dry and her throat sore. She ran her tongue around her mouth, finding her lip split and swollen. She coughed, her throat and side flaring up the pain red and raw. She tried to open her eyes, but found the lids heavy and gummed together. Eventually she prised them open, the darkness blurry, trying to blink the images into focus. She became aware of a figure sat by the bed and tried to focus on the white coat.

“Where…what…?” She managed to mutter, her dry lips cracking.

“You’re in the hospital, remember?” The male voice came from near her ear, the figure leaning in over her to speak in hushed tones.

Yes, that made sense. The pain throbbing, vague memories of what had happened flashed hazily in her brain.

“Water…please.” She croaked.

She tried to sit up, but found she had no strength. Her companion lifted her head gently and placed a glass to her lips. She wanted to gulp it down, her throat dry and arid, but her throat began to spasm in response to the stimuli, so she had to be content with small sips. Still it felt good to no longer have a dry mouth; she probed her swollen lip with her tongue. She turned her head to her companion, flashing him a weak smile.

“Thank you.”

Even though her vision was somewhat blurred he seemed oddly familiar, Tegan straining to bring him into focus. Slowly but surely the image became clearer and clearer until she saw… She opened her mouth to scream only to find Torin’s hand clamped firmly over her mouth.

“If you even try to scream I will break your neck before you can make a sound. Do you understand me?” He hissed into her ear.

Tegan looked around her, quickly assessing her situation. The curtains were drawn around the bed, he was wearing a white coat. There was no way anyone could suspect anything, they would assume he was doctor on his rounds. She took a moment to catch her breath. Truth be told she had tried to sit up suddenly and it had sent waves of agony up her left side. She was still reeling from that. She knew she was completely at Torin’s mercy and he knew it. She nodded slowly, Torin removing his hand and settling into the chair beside her bed with caution. She could taste blood in her mouth, Torin having reopened the split in her lip.

“Sorry about that.” He apologised genuinely. “I never meant to hurt you.”

Tegan dabbed at the split gingerly with her finger.

“Then I presume you have not been sent to kill me?” She asked quietly.

Everything they said would have to be in hushed tones to prevent any suspicion. Tegan wasn’t sure she wanted people to know she was awake just yet. That would bring a whole new set of problems to be dealt with, not something she was up for just now.

“Being honest, that depends.” He replied carefully.

“On what exactly?” She asked a little suspicious.

“On what you intend to tell the police when they get here. And they will come once the doctors know you are awake.”

“Shit!” She hissed, suddenly realising how much of a mess she was currently in. “Couldn’t you control the idiots’ feeding habits? Would have saved everyone a lot of hassle. I could have told them I didn’t remember anything, I was drugged and go home and that would be the end of it.”

“Yes.” He mused. “That would have been more convenient, but you know Demetriov. He says to leave them alone and they will learn eventually.”

“Eventually is the word!” Tegan hissed with annoyance.

Torin laughed quietly at her outburst.

“I know I’m not exactly in a position to ask but would you help me with some more water?” She asked him carefully.

Truth be told she did not want to ask anything of vampire, but at the moment he was her only option, and to a degree she could trust Torin, well as far as you could trust a predator like this. Torin smiled at her. It was a kind smile, a little paternal almost. He lifted her head and brought the glass to her lips. She tried to drink in a controlled manner but was unable to prevent a little spillage.

“Sorry.” She muttered embarrassed. “I feel so weak.”

“That will be the blood loss.” He explained with a soft chuckle. “Though they appear to be doing their best, some still seems to be coming back out of you.” He pointed to the drain bottle and the blood bag transfusing into the back of her hand.

“Not been tempted to have a snack have you?”

Torin had to stifle his laughter. Tegan’s smile was weak but she obviously was stronger in mind than in body at this point.

“I fed before coming to visit. I didn’t want any cravings during my time here.”

Tegan fingered the drain going into her chest, straining to see the slit that opened into her body cavity. It looked gruesome, but a small price to pay for still being alive.

“Rachel, did you have to cover me in scars?” She scolded.

She heard the sudden intake of breath from her companion and thought better of it once she saw Torin’s face.

“Sorry, that was a little tactless of me.” She apologised though it went against everything in her to do it.

“Not at all, it was just a shock. She was strong, very strong. For you to live after this… they are angry, don’t get me wrong, but they also feel they have underestimated you. Just how did you get her to stay out till dawn?”

“Waited till the moment before she was going to go back to the mansion, and then I pissed her off. And I mean I really pissed her off. She chased me and I ran like hell, for as long as I could. Then we fought, and the rest I’m sure you can guess.”

“I can. You know, the media have taken a great interest in you.”

“Well the media can fuck off for all I care.” She snapped. “All I want to do is get better, go home and rest.”

“I like that attitude. Still, it leaves the question, what do you intend to tell the police when they inevitably get here?”

Tegan mused over his question before deciding on her answer.

“I will tell them nothing.”

Although the answer seemed evident, her tone seemed to imply something else. Her answer puzzled him.

“What exactly do you mean?”

“I’ll tell them nothing, in fact I won’t say anything to anyone. Literally.”


“Oh yes. I shall be, how is it they say it? Traumatised, in a trance like state where no one will be able to reach me.” She smiled slyly.

“Oh yes, and how do you propose to get out of the hospital, in your trance like state, without them locking you up in the funny farm?” He smirked at the peculiar modern phrase.

“I have an idea. It needs a little refining, but I think I’ll have plenty of time to do just that.”

The two fell into silence. Tegan lay deep in thought, Torin watching her. He admired her. Even now there was a quiet strength about her. Her size and features portrayed a pretty young woman, but when you looked into her eyes, and looked really hard, you could see a battle hardened soldier with the cunning and intelligence of a viper. All the time she appeared relaxed she was coiled, like a snake, fooling you that it was asleep, waiting to strike and sink her deadly fangs into your flesh. The metaphor struck a little close to home. After all, she was a vampire’s daughter.

“Damn!” She swore suddenly.

“What?” He asked calmly, her sudden outburst had caught him off guard but he wasn’t about to let her see that.

“I’ve lost my blades. They’re probably police evidence by now.”

“Not necessarily.” He smirked.

“What do you mean?” She asked eying him carefully.

“When you do eventually get out of here and return home you will find a safety deposit box key in an envelope has been posted through your door. In that safety deposit box you will find the blades.” He replied, smiling at her genuinely.

Tegan returned the smile with gratitude in her eyes. “You are a good man Torin. I presume it was you as none of the others would do such a thing.”

“I believe in a reasonably fair fight. So much as a mortal girl fighting vampires can be of course.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you are an oddity amongst vampires?” She tested the waters.

“It has been mentioned, yes.”

Neither of them could deny the distinctly friendly turn this situation had taken. It was unusual but neither of them was uncomfortable with this turn of events.

“Just how exactly did you manage to get them?” Her tone a little sly.

“Well let’s see, as I understand it, no one was allowed up to the crime scene till the chief officer in charge of capturing our ‘Vampire killer’ was brought back off vacation. So two nights ago, yes you have been asleep that long; I went back to the rooftop. After having a little snack and ascertaining what had happened to you, I just found them lying there and thought that if you survived you might just want them back again. So I sorted out the safety deposit box last night."

“Thank you.” Tegan replied quietly.

“Oh don’t thank me yet. You will need them for when we fight. And that is a delicious prospect.”

“You take far too much pleasure in all of this.”

“I’m a vampire. What is it the American’s say? So sue me.”

Tegan laughed quietly.

“Hadn’t you best be getting back to your master your mission completed?”

“Demetriov is not my master and I do not have to report in.” Torin replied evenly. “Besides, I think I like the company, and since everyone is still bickering over whether I should just kill you anyway or not, I think I shall stay here for the peace and quiet. That is if I am welcome considering the circumstances.”

“You keep helping me with that water and you can stay as long as you like.”

And so a tentative truce was struck and for one night, vampire and their hunter helped one another.

* * * * *

Demetriov waited by the fire as the first light of dawn started to creep across the houses and gardens. He sat his eyes closed, waiting for Torin to return. He smiled, opening his eyes when he heard Torin’s soft footfalls.

“Well?” He asked the figure behind him.

“She will live.”

“You are certain?”

“Oh yes. I’m sure.”

“Are we secure?”

“I believe so, and I trust her. She has a very cunning plan and it will be interesting to watch her play it out. She is incredibly intelligent. We do not give her enough credit.”

“Yes, that is becoming apparent. She seems to have exceeded all our expectations. That has affected us all differently.”

Even now the two men could hear residual bickering in the background.

“Going on beyond dawn. This has them really heated up.” Torin mused

“More than anything we have ever done. It is interesting.”

“Yes, she is.”

Demetriov noted Torin’s slip. He wondered what had transpired between the two at the hospital. Still, it was no use speculating, but he suspected some seed had been sown tonight. It troubled him a little.

“Oh well, we shall have some peace for a while. I suggest that we enjoy it, even if the young ones cannot recognise their own good fortune.”

Torin nodded and stayed for a moment, lost in some private thought. The shouting downstairs brought him from whatever it was occupying him and he left Demetriov for his own rooms. Demetriov mused for a moment. Torin had come back a lot later than he had needed to and was clearly distracted. It seemed impossible but had something started between Tegan and Torin? They had a lot in common and were a good match. It seemed when the time came Tegan might have a protector. No matter, he had made his decision and nothing was going to stop him.


Author’s notes:
And the seeds are sown. If it isn’t obvious how that dynamic is going to go well… damn you really need to get out more. *sniggers* Okay I really should not insult my readers but I am in a funny mood. Till next time people.

fiction, a matter of choice, original

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