Aug 28, 2008 12:42
I thought I might start doing this whole pregancy thing a little more structured than random postings, that way I might be able to get myself to only post once a week (yeah right) but that will probably be aside from any panic/rant/other rediculous misc posts I decide to make. So here we go...
7 weeks today, that's according to the docs without a dating scan. Not a lot to report since I did this a day or two ago. God forbid I woke up this morning not feeling sick but hungry! Bloody hell I almost fell out of bed when that happened. Don't faint with shock I actually ate breakfast as a result. I think it is largely to do with my guts freeing up - my god they are not kidding when they say pregnancy can make you constipated. I know this is disgusting but to be honest, pregnancy is. Magical, but so icky.
Another craving to add to the list - artichokes. Well everything is at least remaining healthy. In fact hubby offered me ice-cream the other day and almost fainted in shock when I said no. I have about three litres of it in my freezer remarkably untouched... Oh, might be TMI but FINALLY got round hubby's 'not having sex when you are pregnant' thing. Between the doctor telling him I and baby will be fine (oh don't listen to your wife, she can't possibly have read everything on pregnancy like an obsessed nutter since finding out and already know the answer to that worry, oh no) and my cramps and constipation easing thereby releasing my libido last night was spent rather pleasurably. Enough that hubby was propositioning me at half six this morning. Yup, that problem is solved.
Oh, I have my first piece of clothing to go on the pile of 'Gothy can't wear because she is pregnant'. A particular pair of jeans are a no-no, so damned uncomfortable!!! But that pile is only going to grow and grow and grow...
On a side note I now know for certain that my boss will be taking me on permenantly rather than just as a temp. My agency and he will be doing negotiations next Thursday then doing the paperwork, but had it all confirmed now. So that is wonderful, a job to come back to if I want it after baby is born. Oh and the boss bought us jam doughnuts earlier which was scrummy.
Hubby is treating us to expensive Italian takeout tonight as part of our regular Thursday night quality time together, to celebrate baby, my job etc, just generally celebrate the way life is going. But hubby made me laugh so hard when he questioned my choice for dinner. Having a craving for artichoke I spotted a rather lovely pizza with artichoke on. He then emailed me back (both at work) asking what the hell an artichoke was and why did it have any business being on a pizza? he had never heard of it (oh he can be so delightfully naive) and I have assured him that it is a vegetable, that I have eaten them before and I am quite partial to them thank you very much. Its either this or Spaghetti carbonara and that is questionable with the eggs in due to pregnancy (that would have been my first choice apart from my craving etc). I think he has accepted it now, wait and see what he brings home huh?
And that is me I think, next report might be held till after my booking in with the midwife on the 8th as I will have more to report then I think. All the joys of blood tests and samples and whee, a physical exam!!! *sniggers* behold the sarcasm people!!! Anyway, enough waffle, and hopefully this will be more structured than my random postings.