i believe i might be responsible for that. i apologize. now on to more pressing matters. chester bennington would be a lot better if he wasnt in linkin park. its true. how come you arent on msn?
You know his full name? *recovers* Hmm i can kind of see what you mean,he has a solo album coming out next year...but i just love his whiny angry shouting Linkin Park side.You dont like them?
I'm online..i think...might have to rush in a sec cos it's past midnight!
i believe we haven't spoken for months!
You know his full name? *recovers*
Hmm i can kind of see what you mean,he has a solo album coming out next year...but i just love his whiny angry shouting Linkin Park side.You dont like them?
I'm online..i think...might have to rush in a sec cos it's past midnight!
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