(no subject)

Dec 03, 2005 01:51

- I recently ran across a word in the Oxford English Dictionary, "fabiform," defined as "bean-shaped." I began to imagine a person who looked exactly like a massive lima bean, and I wondered if such a person might actually exist.

- I wonder if that sasquatch beast from "Harry and the Hendersons" ever got married. I mean, they didn't really show a wife or anything, but sometimes when I'm laying in bed I think there's got to be another one of those things out there and I bet he'd buy her a big diamond ring and she'd like it so much that she'd carry the jewelry box for it around for some reason.

- I recently grew a gigantic, bulbous cauliflower in my garden, and I was wondering if the military made any industrial grade hammocks that could be slung around its midsection so that it might be picked up by a helicopter.
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