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Dec 19, 2004 20:49

Yeah so i'm homesick again. I knew the time was to come soon. I was fine untill stevie .. who is awsome and is moving to FL!! told me its snowing. Wow i miss snow i miss the cold i miss snowboarding and thats not something i can replace here. I miss all my friends and even though i have made a lot of friends here i can never replace the old ones. I love everyone back at home and i wish that they were here. I dont know everyone keeps asking how i could possible not like florida but idk it's just not home. I thought that i would soon stop calling NJ home but idk i feel like this is just a never ending vacation. I miss the mornings where i would wake up and call dyl and he would tell me that school was cancelled and we would chill at my house and come inside with frozen clohes and frozen hair. I dont know thats just something i will never be able to replace it was so insane. I miss snowboarding. I guess i can say that i miss MMS as much as i wanted to get out of that place now i wish it didnt end. We had some insane times there. There was less to worry about less growing up to do and stuff and now i know that its time to be responsible and all that bull shit that i wish i didnt have to do. My grades actually matter. What i do now will reflect on my whole life and i dont really want that responsibility yes i just dont. I guess i just want to have fun and party instead of studing and trying to prepare myself for the future. I know i'm only a freshman but I've been told if u fuck around ur freshman year you'll regret it when your in your senior year and busting ur ass to graduate. Also i really want to graduate my junior year and get a head start on college and indepedent life. I can't always be a child that just likes to party and have fun all the time. I miss all the good times we had last year. Alexa is rite that was the past and we have to let go , but for some reason I'm having trouble actually doing that. I miss not caring about school and getting in trouble! I miss being able to just sit there and do nothing. Last year i didnt care one bit. English all i did was act up the whole period with suse and steve and we always had an awsome time. I miss just not caring and school being just a place to hang out and have fun. I was so diffrent and so much more opened and idk i was more comfterble being myself. I just didnt give a shit at all last year . I miss my second home and my second family. Dylan we went threw a lot and always stayed close and always will!! I cant wait till we get out of HS and won't be this far away from each other buddy i love you!!! This kid no matter what happened always made me smile and made me happy and could turn any crappy mood into a good one. He knew how to make me laugh and all that stuff. Matt always had his ways to make me relize that what ever i was upset about wasn't really important and made me feel a lot better. Buddy i miss you so much!!! All my friends always knew how to make me feel better no matter what i miss you guys more then u can imagine!! I love you guys! Can't wait to get back home!!

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