Sep 03, 2008 05:38
Well, since it's morning and I have less time to update than I should, let's just get right to it. Um... Novitas is really close and I'm really excited. CSC 101 is going to be more of a chore than I thought since apparently this class will involve group projects and research papers. Bullcrap... I'm going to Spanish for the first time today. I kinda skipped it on Friday to take part in our awesome student involvement fair. I ordered more stuff for my Novitas garb on Saturday so now I'm waiting for it to ship in. I got a lot of quick shipping options so I'm hoping most of this stuff gets here Thursday. First STG meeting and first e-board meeting tomorrow. Looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to taking a shower this morning so that's why this entry is so rushed.
Exercise yesterday:
Two round trips of foot travel between campus and my apartment. I had my best run time of 11:14 yesterday!
20 push ups in one set also. New record!
Usual breakfast with a glass of OJ added
A donut at work
An unclaimed grilled cheese at work
Cheeseburger, fries, and a cinnamon roll for dinner
...also had Chinese too.
Gotta keep shifting the exercise/food balance but at least I'm trying to push myself in the exercise field. I'm excited about my push up count. I've said 'excited' a lot this entry. There's only one conclusion...