May 21, 2005 10:30
had pics of the concert but i didnt bring a camera o well but yah that concert was soooooooooooooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!! wooh my first concert off the heazy fo sheazy haha yup realiant k came out first (spelled that wrong i think) yup got like one pic for robbie and they were REALLY good that didnt really have alot of stage presence but they rock hard it was awesome and then SP came out OMG i LOVE SP they were soooo good
Pierre-"Hey sexy!"
Pierre-"Lookin good!"
Dave-"Your not lookin' to bad yourself!"
Pierre-"Hey Baby! Lookin nice over there!"
Sebastian-"Thanks you too!"
hahhah they were sooooo gay thats wat makes it funny hahha and they sang rap songs all rocked out and crap it was HILARIOUS!!!!!! and we were so close we were on the gate we were like 10 feet away from them it was fun i wanted a guitar pick..but yah o man they had a wicked cool background too it was all sirens and shizzle hahah and the pierres like "I see alot of hot girls out there!" and Daves like "Yah and i see alot of hot guys!!!!" hahahaha everyone started cheerin lol hahah it was hysterical yup then GC came on and dit was cool paul had to sit out w/ a broken leg but o well and joel was like everywhere u couldnt get a good pic cuz he was always movin and it was funny and all these people were getting stepped on and so they had to pull them out and they were limping over to the EMT it was bad and they were only coming over in between me and ann marie so they were kicking heads and it was bad and she was like holding on to me for dear life and was like "DONT LET ME GO!!!!!" it got REALLY hecktik adn tehn GC got off and tehn everyone started to move and the ground was soooooooooooo dirty and jeanie was yelling at the security guard cuz she didnt get anything of benji she really does have issues sorry jeanie but u do no chiste she was crying and she was all better after she got a necklace and she was yelling at people in line saying that she was the number one fan it was funny u had to be there and we cut the line cuz mike ruiz was farther up than us so we were on the bridge and mike said sumthin like
Mike-"O it doesnt matter im gay!"
Blonde girl(1)-"OMG ur gay!!!!"
Blonde girl(2)-"OMG ur gay ur so hot"
and she was giving him hugs and shit and tehy they were all sad when we left ahah and we told them that dave from Sp was gay lol and they were all is pierre cuz if he is im gonna be sad and im likeno she BI and the others ones like wat about Seb and i was like yah hes BI too hahah and it was funny and then we left mike iand it was all well and good went home and ate oatmeal the end!