Scarlett's update

Apr 26, 2005 16:51

Okay Scarlett, you better feel pretty damn special seeing as I'm updating my journal for you. Okay, well it has all been pretty boring, not done much.Ooft, I got an iPod and it's allready broke *mumbles- lousy piece of crap*. Hmm, been doing a lot of sports lately, <3. And I pyoooor love this boy. He's Gawd damn sexeeee okay looking, and I pyooor <3 him.
I'm going to Gill's house this weekend and Kathryn is comming and we are going to see Zoe's in a fashion show -_~ being held in E.K. We're meeting with loads of people and Stewart =D *whooot* and that could very well be fun.
Okay, seeing as I didn't really need to update, I'm finishing here.

xx00xx Katieeee <3

P.S. If I havn't allready said, my holiday was kind of okay.

Went to Gill's and Kathryn stayed as well. But so did Stewart. He came back and ended starying the night. Oooft. Gill was allll over him. It really got me pissed off 'coz at the time I pyoor fancied him (don't anymore). She was such a bitch. Anyways, I wasn't supposed to, but I told me mam. She went BALISTIC. Hmmm -_^

Oooh! I know what I can write! I'll let you see my Manga drawings, they're kinda bad copies 'cos I lost the disc to install the scanner with the scanner doesn't seem to be working. Therefor (oooh, fancy) I took them with my webcam which is fucked. Hope you like them.

This was the first one I drew, and my best.

This was ment to resemble Lusi =S.

This one is just shittttttttttttty.
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