May 11, 2005 18:29
1- everything has changed between us even though you said it wouldnt, i now sit alone wondering why the fuck i put up with it and why we dont just stop being friends all together. it would be easier. but then i realize that you are ..well you know what you are to me. and then i am angry at you never ends.
2- please..get over arnt the best thing that has ever happend to us. you may be one of the worst, so leave me alone.
3- you are so amazing, even if you dont always see it, you are the best, just the way you are and i dont want you to change even if you do. things between us have finally settled and im happy to see that. i hope nothing ever happens like that again.
4- i spent a few weeks thinking that i was mad at you but i realized i dont think i am. you are great and i hope you dont get hurt by anyone. stay you..
5- you are aweomse!!!! i love you and houw great you are :) you are so funny and so cute.
6- i am happiest when i am around you and we are sharing gossip or just talking or i am crying to you (which happens alot) and you are always there for me even if we fight. i love you so much. and you are fun and help me out alot. no matter how much bad things i think of you or what horrible things i yell at you. you will always be my best friend. :)
7- we havnt chilled in a while homedawg. and i am starting to really miss your blondeness. we have to hang out again, or walk to tims :) haha..or we can just make up some retarted movie in your basement..hahaha
8- i dont really know you, but you are gorgeous and so neat from what i do know. we have to hang out way more often.
9- we havnt been together in a while. i dont think we even reeally know each other. even though we think we do. i'd love tto tell you everything, but i just dont think you would understand.
10- you are funny. we only hung out like 2 times but they were gooooooooood times! and you are so pretty. happy happy happy.
((and yes theese are 10 diff people if you dont kno who they are well than sux 4 u))