Break Time!...

Oct 09, 2009 21:01

I've been procrastinating a lot lately... especially in regards to my updates.  They've been sparse lately, haven't they?  Heh.

Well, I guess I'm on a break.  A break from writing...  Ah~ how lovely :D

No, seriously, I've just been unmotivated and lazy.  There's no motivation to write anymore or update the stories I already have up.  Lately I've just been so listless and bored, but I still can't find the energy to type.  There's been an increase in KakaHina fics--it's something I've noticed, haha.  I'm glad there has been :)  I guess this means I can get a bit lax on updating frequently.  There's enough KakaHina out there that I don't have to worry about things like that.  My attention nowadays have been wandering to the less seen ones, like ObitoHina, GenHina, and LeeHina.  Haha, I'm forever and always a KakaHina lover, but those pairings are near and dear to my heart too =]

Anyways, I've been wanting to start on another GenHina fic lately or even an ObiHina one.  Maybe even the one that I planned out a while ago, the time-skip one.  It's got too much of a complicated plot, though, something I've been having mindblock on lately.  It's just difficult for me to get that in to something to think about too much.

Actually, I've been on a thinking spree after reading Blue Quartz Foxy's Song Memes (you have got to read them; they're amazing) and the idea of Hinata being engaged to Obito was too interesting to me to just leave it at Obito dying, leaving Hinata fiance-less.  My idea for a fic like that is from a different angle, one that focuses more intensely on how the engagement came to be, with a lot of focus on Hinata's mother.  This is still in the workings, though, so don't expect it to make the cut :)

I adore ObitoHina so I'm hoping to contribute to this rare pair some time soon.  So with this idea (or the other few ideas swirling around) I shall work on this rare pairing :)

lazy, obitohina, life

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