KakaHina rant

Sep 29, 2009 16:40

Someone on deviantART commented my Innocence mini-story and really brought something to my attention about their official relationship:

That, in all reality, they ARE teacher and student and that for so many people, it's a strange and forbidden line that cannot be crossed.  It made me think, I mean really think, about Hinata and Kakashi's true characters.  Because I love the two, I write them together and that's that.  I mean, it's practically canon to me :)

But it's not for others.

Thinking about that, I realize that KakaHina is actually a pretty cracky pairing.  One that I never thought of it as, LOL.

Kakashi is a teacher and Hinata is a student, even if she's not Kakashi's.  In that way, one could never see the possibility of the two together.  Because of that invisible and social line, the two can never be together, simple as that.  For political purposes, though, the (ex?) Hyuuga heiress marrying into the esteemed Hatake line would be something that the Council and Clan Elders would love.

For me, though, the relationship between the two can be so much more.  Rather than focusing on their relationship, I think I enjoy it more when I write their individual characters learning about each other in a non-teacher/student relationshipal way.  Because even with that social taboo, their own personalities and characters actually have a bit in common.  Their fathers' impacted their lives in major ways, they both see the potential and greatness in Naruto, and both are loyal to their village and their friends, to the point that they would willingly give their lives away.  Of course, this is true for so many other Naruto characters, that much can be said.  What can also be said is that I'm grasping at straws, trying to find the non-existant similarities between these two characters.

I think it doesn't matter that these two never have a chance in canon (despite my fervent hopes).  In writing their individual characters and making them interact, it's easy to see how they can get along, in a friendly way, or in a romantic way.  There is definitely a massive age gap, but in such a huge clan, Hinata is probably used to such gaps.

Something else these two also share is their love and respect towards Naruto.  Kakashi knows that Naruto is destined for great things, and through his many days spent in the blonde's presence, he's grown a surprising love for the blonde, one that is grew from watching his fierce determination and his hard work.  Love in a younger brother/close friend kind of way, I mean.  His love for Naruto is a more subtle touch, rather than the love/hate relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. As for Hinata, it is obvious that her love for the blonde is more romantical and more deeply rooted in his determination and willingness to sacrifice so much.

This similarity is also their biggest milestone, because with Naruto at the center of their worlds, there is no way for the two to see each other.  Of course, Kishimoto has never ever intended for this to be spotted, because quite obviously, the focus of his manga is on Naruto and Sasuke's relationship.  I, however, have a fonder love for the side-characters :)

Anyways, as a devoted KakaHina fan, I think that it's probably high time that I admit that this will never happen AT ALL and just face the facts.

...something I probably should've known since I first fell in love with this pairing.

The beauty of this pairing will always be clear in my heart, though.  It may not have been my first love nor my second nor my third, but it is definitely the one that holds the place closest to my heart.  There's something about the hidden depth of their own characters  that really draws me to them, as a pairing.

And... I just had to get this out of my system.  I know that it's crazy to think so much about something that has no impact in my real life and my future, but... these two characters that Masashi Kishimoto created just have so much to them, hidden in the crevices of their hearts, that it's hard not to see that they have massive potential, together and apart.

Watch, when Hinata finally reaches her full potential, maybe she'll see that Naruto doesn't have to be the center of her world for her to be happy.

...But seeing as how Naruto is still chasing after Sasuke for three years, I don't think it's a possibility.


Ok, KakaHina rant, OVER =)

Reading back over it, I think I've got some ideas for KakaHina fics swirling around now :)

beauty, kakahina, naruto, life

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