School Life

Aug 28, 2009 16:12

School sucks.  Big time.

It's like an annoying buzz, or an aggravating stitch in your side.  Something like that anyways.

I like it, I really do.  Call me a nerd (yeah, right, as if.  I'm a pretty stupid nerd if you're going to call me that), but I really like learning the things.  I love learning spanish (it reminds me of japanese, hehe) and geometry's not that bad (not counting the hw), but... it takes up so muchhh of my time!  I spend half the class daydreaming about what I want to write.  Seriously.  That's horrible, haha.  I think it'd be different if I was going to school with my friends, but here.. in this new environment... I'm seriously... alone?  Haha, I've made some friends, that's true, but we honestly have pretty much nothing in common.

I guess you guys can be happy, though. Spending so much time thinking about my next stories, I'm actually scripting the plot ahead and outlining and stuff.  Of course I did that with my other fic, A Different Story, but it was really all based on random scenes I wanted to try with growth of character and stuff.  During class, I actually outlined the first two chapters of my next KakaHina fic.  I'm really focusing on the two genres it is: romance and drama.  Hopefully, my writing has matured a little bit, so it makes the story flow more smoothly.  But yes, the first few chapters of my new KakaHina fic should be out in a few days... or a week or two.  :)  I have lots of homework, so... the times might not correspond correctly.  Forgive me if I don't manage to make my own deadline, haha.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to graduation... which won't happen anytime soon, sadly.  *sigh... the life of a lowly sophomore.  I guess now's a good time to look at colleges and stuff... but all I really want to do is DRIVE!  Which I can't... not yet.  I haven't taken Driver's Ed yet... speaking of which, I don't know when my school is having that class.  Man, that sucks.

Ah well.  Do look forward to another fic in a few days. If it's not my new KakaHina fic, then it will probably be a KakaHina one-shot.  Ideas keep swirling around in my head, so I'm really hoping to get some of them out.

x-ChocoLatte :)

school, fanfiction, life

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