come on touch me.. i dare you<3

Apr 11, 2005 20:10

Today was just indeed plain ass- FUCKING FUN.
it started out with me, mandy and dave walking to tim hortons at 3:00. he bought me and mandy iced cappicinos and donuts. i think i peed my pants 3094823904 times, laughing so hard. mandy was eating her donut and the custard got on her mouth and i was like "EWW- IT LOOKS LIKE CUM" that was a laughing moment for like 10 minutes, with the skaters staring at uss. gahhh then me and mandy went in the bathroom caus ei had to poop. and mandy screamed "IT STINKS LIKE ASS IN HERE" .. the wholeee resturant heard. and we came out cracking up. then i started sticking the straw in my mouth and moving it up and down to the skaters, but some old guy thought i was doing it to him, and he started licking his lips, so we LEFT.
- then we went to garretts old trailor park. we went and got renae, but she didnt answer.
- so i called brandon and asked if he wanted to meet at big boyss.
- so then he came and we sat there chillin for a whilee, and he burned me with his ciggeratte on accident, theres a mark and it hurt like a bitch.
- then we saw jeniffer and she gave us like a million cigerattes, and we smoked one after another.
- then we all went in big boys and sat at the smoking section, and drank pop. brandon was puttting ice cubes down my t-shirt, and i burned him with my ciggeratte. The waitress and manager came back there a few times cause we were being too loud, and people were complaining, so we just said fuck it. and walked out the back door without paying for anythingg. haha.
- then my mom called at 6 and said i better get my ass home or im grounded for another 2 weeks and no seeing brandon, so me and brandon ditched david, mandy and jen, and started running till we got to my housee.
- then we stayed there for a bit and ate some food.
pretty fun ass day. im so glad brandons here.
i love himm
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