May 25, 2005 22:40
shotgunvalintine: hihi
xVenomusxKissesx: hey.
xVenomusxKissesx: did you tell erin im like a wanna be scene kid or something
shotgunvalintine: no
shotgunvalintine: i told erin scene kids are wanna be hardcore
xVenomusxKissesx: you sure cuz she told me you told her " i say i listen to bands that you know i dont"
shotgunvalintine: O.o
xVenomusxKissesx: somecrap aout norma jean
shotgunvalintine: norma jean is not scene
shotgunvalintine: >.>
xVenomusxKissesx: idontevencareanymore
shotgunvalintine: scene is wanna be hardcore. norma jean is the real deal
xVenomusxKissesx: scene is the fucking gayest thing ever made.
shotgunvalintine: yeah
xVenomusxKissesx: all scene kids do is runa round saying "you wanna be scene, cuz im cool and you wanna look like me"
xVenomusxKissesx: TOO BAD NOT
xVenomusxKissesx: WHY??!?!?! cuz there all fucking ugly.. the boys look just like the girls and its grose if your boyfriend wants to borrow you cloths.
xVenomusxKissesx: talk about cross dressers
shotgunvalintine: o.o
shotgunvalintine: i wear girl clothes.
xVenomusxKissesx: and just so they know. i dont wanna fucking look like them. i wear what i want not what the new fad is
xVenomusxKissesx: so erin and stefz can go suck a big fat one.
xVenomusxKissesx: ands they will as long as it has something to do with guns, polka dots or dinosours
shotgunvalintine: LOL
xVenomusxKissesx: kay. im done. none of that was directed towards u btw. just needed to vent
look at the polka dotted dinosaur carrying the gun it went that way ------> *whole heard of scene fucks go running to catch it*