Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of LJ the Law.

Mar 21, 2008 23:20

I checked my LJ today not to see who was boycotting versus not, but because I'm a fandom addict and the Ten Doctors comic was updated today.

Yeah, I'm a sucker for fandom. I just can't quit it. ~_~;;

What I gotta say appalls me is how many people got ANNOYED over the fact that people like me participated in the boycott.

You know what? When the War on Iraq began, I participated in classes on civil disobedience and attended a few rallys. Did it make a difference? Probably not. But you know what? I was exercising my rights. We don't get those elsewhere.

So, people, take a fucking page from Thelema already: Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law. If people wanted to not do the boycott and continue posting, GREAT. If it's your Will to do so. If people wanted to participate in the boycott, GREAT. If it's your Will to do so.

I can't believe how many people were WHINING that people chose not to post in their own fucking LJs. Holy shit, people. And talk about meta: whining about WHINING.

I've seen some divided times, but man, I've never seen BOTH sides get so incredibly highstrung before.

Read my lips: it's your own fucking LJ. Do what thou Wilt. And guess what? That means everyone else has the right to do the same, and they have the right to exercise their LJ as they see fit to express themselves. That's the whole point of having a fucking journal. And if choosing not to post in it for a full day is their choice of expression, SO BE IT.

Omgs. People. WTF.

shadesong also tells it like it is. Great, some of you intelligently communicated why you wouldn't participate. Kudos, I respect your opinion and even more your ability to communicate it without being a wiseass. No need to get nasty, snarky, or asshole-ish to those who did.

rants, lj, wtf

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